Striving Higher




Erev Shabbos Kodesh parshas Vayishlach 5781

18 Kislev 5781/December 4, 2020


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1945. Liberation day finally arrived. Chaim was more dead than alive, but he
had survived. Although he had suffered terribly and lost almost everything, he
had outlived Hitler. So many times, throughout the war he had given up hope;
there was simply no way he could go on. The odds of his survival was
practically zero, and yet, in each situation he somehow survived. It was as if
a divine hand was guiding him in the miserable darkness.

being handed a piece of bread by an American soldier, the chaplain asked Chaim
what he needed. Chaim immediately replied that, after not having had the
opportunity in years, he wanted to put on a pair of tefillin. There happened to
be an old worn out pair that had smuggled in. But when it was given to Chaim he
refused to put them on. He wanted to find a mehudar pair of tefillin.

They tried to reason with him that there was no way they
would find such a set. Perhaps they could order one and receive it the
following week. But for the moment he could fulfil the mitzvah with the set
that was available. But Chaim wouldn’t hear of it. With tears in his eyes he
explained that the Nazis greatest joy was to break the spirits of the helpless
inmates, so that they would fall into despair. Chaim was insistent that he
fulfill the mitzvah in the optimal manner.

of his insistence, the American chaplain drove Chaim a few miles to the remains
of a bombed-out Shul. The chaplain again tried to explain that there was
nothing salvageable. But Chaim was already crawling and sifting through the

            Soon, it
was late afternoon and not much time before the sun would set. The chaplain
again tried to convince Chaim that they had done their best and he should give
up his quest for the impossible. But Chaim was unyielding. He went back to the
rubble and randomly began digging. Suddenly, he found a metal box with a lock
on it. He excitedly called the chaplain and together they cracked the box open.
To their utter surprise and delight, inside was a stunning pair of tefillin.
What was more amazing was the name on the bag. The tefillin had belonged to the
last Rav of the community – a holy tzaddik known for his devotion to mitzvos.

            It’s an
incredible story, but I must confess that I made it up. To be sure, I only make
up true stories, and indeed the story is true, just the names and events are
different. This story is largely the story of Chanukah. Then too their survival
was miraculous and against the odds. They too had not fulfilled the mitzvah in
years. When the opportunity presented itself, they too could have performed the
mitzvah easily (impure oil was permissible under the circumstances for a
variety of reasons). However, they insisted on performing the mitzvah in an
optimal manner despite the fact that it was virtually impossible to do so. They
too searched for something that couldn’t be found, and they too miraculously
discovered what they hoped for.

miracles have been performed throughout the ages, the purpose of miracles
generally is to save lives. This was true at the time of the exodus from Egypt,
splitting of the sea, destruction of the armies of Sisra and Sancheirev,
miracle of Purim, and even the miraculous victories over the Arabs during each
of the Arab-Israeli wars.

            The miracle
of the oil, however, was completely unnecessary. That miracle was a divine
kiss, as it were. The Maccabees pined to perform the mitzvah and didn’t stop
trying to serve Hashem in the optimal fashion, and Hashem reciprocated.

            If you
think about it, that type of miracle is constantly happening around us. Our
community is blessed with numerous chesed organizations, each one performing
incredible and vital services to help those in need.

organization didn’t begin with a small act? The founders of these organizations
will be the first to say that they never thought it would grow to become what
it is today. It began as just an idea and a dream. They lit one small candle.
But then the miracle set in and it continued to burn, brighter and brighter.
They kept at it with every fiber of their being, devoting blood, tears, and
toil in their pursuit for more pure oil, and G-d began providing.

yeshiva or shul didn’t have humble beginnings? Most, in fact, had little chance
of survival and growth.

            On an individual
level this happens as well. Many people at the recent Siyum Hashas recounted
that there was no way they could do Daf Yomi. But they began anyway and seven
and a half years later are marveling in disbelief at their own impossible
accomplishment. They lit one flame and, as long as they kept yearning, Hashem
kept fueling their fire.

are Chanukah miracles happening all around us, every day – globally and

            As we
light our small flames this Chanukah, we should appreciate the fact that it is
symbolic of what we do every day and throughout our lives – one candle at a


            Shabbat Shalom &
Good Shabbos

            Freilichen Chanukah Sameiach,

            R’ Dani and Chani Staum       


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