Striving Higher


The following
are my notes from lectures given by Rabbi Berel Wein, (then) Rosh Yeshiva of
Yeshiva Shaarei Torah, Monsey, NY, to the students of the yeshiva, on Erev
Shavuos 5756 & Erev Shavuos 5757. I have largely tried to preserve the Rosh
Yeshiva’s vernacular:
Of the three main holidays of the Jewish
year, Shavuos is unique. Firstly, Shavuos has no calendar date; it is the
fiftieth day of the sefirah. It is essentially the conclusion of the holiday of
Pesach, and Sefiras Ha’omer serves as the connection between them.
In fact, the Chasam Sofer points out that
the first Shavuos ever celebrated was fifty-one days after the exodus from
Egypt, not fifty days. This is clear because it is known that the Nation left
Egypt on a Thursday, and the Torah was given on a Shabbos. Therefore, the
second day of the holiday of Shavuos, which is celebrated exclusively in the Diaspora
(Yom Tov sheni shel gulios), has a different halachic status then the other
“Yom Tov sheni shel golus” of Succos and Pesach. The Yom Tov Sheni of Succos
and Pesach have no historical antecedent for celebrating the second day. [They
are observed because of sefaika d’yoma – a doubt what date the holiday
should actually begin.] Shavuos however, has a historical antecedent, because
the first Shavuos actually was celebrated on the second day of the holiday. Therefore,
the Chasam Sofer rules, many of the leniencies that exist on the second day of
Yom Tov of Succos and Pesach, don’t apply to the second day of Shavuos.
Also, there are no specific mitzvos
attached to Shavuos. There’s no matza, seder, lulav, or succah. In that sense,
Shavuos is a strange Yom Tov.
The reason for the lack of added mitzvos is
because Shavuos is the anniversary of “Z’man Mattan Torasainu”. An
anniversary implies that on other days the event lacks the same value and
meaning. On one’s birthday he expects gifts and parties; it’s a special day of
celebration. Married couples celebrate anniversaries and it is a special day.
But if every day was an anniversary then every day would be just as special,
and the actual anniversary would lose its uniqueness.
That is essentially the message of Shavuos:
Every day is Kabbolas HaTorah, and Torah must be the one constant in our lives.
It’s not like the other holidays because the same mitzvah of learning Torah
which exists on Shavuos, exists before and after Shavuos too. The Torah wanted to
emphasize the continuity of Torah, and therefore did not attach any mitzvos to
the holiday, in order to demonstrate that it is an ever-present force of good
within our lives.
 There is no day in a Jew’s life that he does
not learn Torah. Even on Tisha B’av we study passages that are permitted to be
learned. There is no moment during one’s life that a Jew should exist without
the consciousness of Torah, and that his life is guided by Torah, and what it stands
for. One is always limited by the boundaries that the Torah dictates.
Shavuos is the conclusion of Pesach. When
Moshe first undertook the role of leadership G-d informed him, “b’hotzaysee
es ha’am miMitzraim ta’avdun es haElokim al hahar hazeh
– When you take the
nation out of Egypt they will serve G-d on this mountain.” The purpose of the
exodus was to reach Sinai. Pesach without being followed by Torah has no
purpose; Succos without Torah also has no purpose. All the great events in a
person’s life – birth, coming of age, maturity, education, marriage, parenting,
grandparenting, and even the final moment of life – have purpose only because
of Torah. Without the balance of Torah being present, everything happens in a
vacuum, and it leaves us confused and devoid of meaning.
Many nations have achieved freedom. But
very few nations have been able to do much with their freedom. Numerous nations
have exalted ideas of what should be accomplished, but few have realized the
fruition of their ideas, because those ideas are always conceptualized in a
The fourth of July in this country is a
tire sale and Memorial Day is a barbecue. A memorial for whom? For what? Today,
no one appreciates the dead of the Civil War for which the day was created. It
became meaningless. We see in our own time that sadly Yom Ha’atzmaut means
little in Israel and outside of Israel. It’s only forty-eight years since the
country achieved independence, but “all the air is out of the tire”, because it
lacks the continuity necessary to carry it through.
The reason there is a Pesach is because
there is a Shavuos. The reason that z’man cheiruseinu (the time of our freedom)
has meaning is because it’s followed by z’man mattan Torasaynu (the time of the
giving of our Torah).
Everything in life has purpose. We often confuse
means with ends. We think that if we obtain the means then we have achieved the
end. We think if we have money we have it made. But the question is what are
you going to do with that money? People recover from illnesses, but the
question becomes, what do you do with your newfound health? People want to
marry – what do you accomplish with your marriage? People get a degree and become
a career person – what will you do with it?
Those are the questions of life, and these
are the questions that Shavuos addresses. Shavuos emphasizes the constancy of
Torah in our minds and that everything must have a purpose. Shavuos reminds us
that unless one has this solid view of life, then the greatest events of life
turn out to be meaningless and disappointing.
We have counted the days of sefirah in
order to arrive at this great holiday. That is a general concept of life. Dovid
Hamelech beseeches of G-d, “Limnos
yamaynu kayn hoda v’navee l’vav chachma
”- give us the knowledge to know how
to count our days and that will bring us a heart of wisdom.” G-d wants us to
count our days!  In order to be able to
do something with our days, not just to exist, but to accomplish major, holy,
and eternal things, we need to appreciate the incredible value of time.
Shavuos should be viewed, not as
commemoration of ancient events, but as the continuity of Torah and its
influence on our lives, and how it illustrates everything that happens to us. “Ki
haym chaynaynu v’orech yamaynu
– For it is our life and the length of our
days.” It’s not merely an ancillary concept; it’s the central component in our
Yom Tov should pass with study, holiness,
good food, good company, and a spirit of Yom Tov. But, most importantly, at the
end of Yom Tov we must take this sense of continuity with us.  
When one studies the Jewish calendar, the unique
quality of the Yom Tov Shavuos is noticeable. The other two major holidays
share a common feature. Pesach which marks the commemoration of our exodus from
and Succos which marks the protection of G-d in the midbar, are both weighed
down heavily with symbolism. In general, a historical event on its own, will
not stand the test of time. Commemoration of an event must bear symbolism. Therefore,
in commemorating the miracles of Pesach, we have the four cups of wine, with
matza and maror etc. Succos enjoys the four species, as well as the succos we
build for ourselves.
The Holocaust which is only about 50 years
old is in much greater danger of being forgotten than Tisha B’av which
commemorates events of 2,000 years ago. That is because Tisha B’av has a category
in the Shulchan Aruch dedicated to it, while the Holocaust does not. With time,
the greatest and most significant of miracles and events can fade away. The
only way to preserve it is through symbolism.
It is therefore interesting to note the
greatness of Shavuos. The holiday commemorates the greatest event in world
history – the giving of the Torah on Sinai, and yet there is no mitzva to
assist in its commemoration. It is therefore incrediblle that it has survived.
However, out of the three holidays that
mark the Jewish calendar, Shavuos is the most neglected. Outside of Orthodoxy,
it is non-existent. Last week an irreligious man called me up complaining that
two of his Orthodox workers claimed they couldn’t work because of a holiday he
never heard of. The man wanted to know if Shavuos existed.
Shavuos must stand alone without a section
in the Shulchan Aruch because it represents the Torah itself and that will
always stand the test of time on its own.
There are two great lessons to be taken
from the holiday of Shavuos:
The first lesson is that Torah in itself
will always remain. All our decorations and flowers are merely exteriors and
customary. The Torah doesn’t need any human representation because the Torah itself
is the representation of all life.
The second lesson is that we must always
value our time. As Dovid Hamelech writes in Tehilim: “limnos yomaynu
kayn hoda – To count our days, may you help us to know”. Society
today has no respect for time, but time is the most precious gift we
have. There are no pockets in the shrouds! What we don’t accomplish today, we
may not have that second chance later on. Therefore, one must appreciate his
time, which includes being at the right place in the right time and using our
time wisely.
The holiday of Shavuos, can only come after
a careful counting of fifty days, in order to demonstrate how important our
every moment is. The acceptance of Torah entails that one learns how to value,
and take advantage, of his time.
count our days, may you help us to know”
“For it is our life and the length of our
Rabbi Dani Staum, LMSW
Rabbi, Kehillat New Hempstead
Rebbe/Guidance Counselor – ASHAR
Principal – Ohr Naftoli- New Windsor

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