Rabbi Doniel Staum, LMSW
Rabbi, Kehillat New Hempstead
Rebbe/Guidance Counselor – ASHAR
Principal – Ohr Naftoli- New Windsor
following excerpt is from Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski’s book, It’s Not As
Tough As You think
, chapter 62):
“You’ve heard of the “empty nest syndrome”.
Children grow up and go off to study. They marry and move to another city. The
house is empty. Mothers seem to be more affected than fathers, probably because
the mother is often more intimately involved with the care of the child,
whereas the father is at work all day.
“At any rate, mothers may get depressed
when the house empties out. There is nothing much to do in the house anymore.
Most of the beds are not slept in. There is very little laundry. Cooking for
two takes little time, and the couple often eat out. Why mess up the kitchen?
““Empty nest syndrome” mothers become
depressed because they don’t feel useful anymore. This is where they are making
a great mistake. Parents are ALWAYS useful. It is just the nature of their
function that changes.
“When the child is a tiny infant, he needs
constant attention: feeding, bathing, diapering, carrying, and looking after
him when he is ill. As he grows older, he can dress and bathe himself. His
mother still has to do the laundry, prepare his lunch, cook dinner, and clean
his room. Some of this activity continues when he is off at school. His father
may feel needed because he is helping out financially. But when the child
marries and moves away and becomes financially self-sufficient, that’s when the
parent may feel that they are no longer functional.
“How wrong, how terribly wrong! I lived six
hundred miles from my parents. I was established in my practice, and my parents
did not have to do anything for me. But when the baby got his first tooth or
took his first steps, I called and shared these great events with them. I sent
them pictures of the children, and they called to tell me that these were
unquestionably the most beautiful children in the world. When the children said
something cute, my parents told me that my children were the brightest in the
world. They came to the bar mitzvahs and graduation. There is abundant joy in
raising a family when one can share good news with parents. And of course, one can
receive comfort when things do not go well.
“One of the saddest moments of my life was
when I could no longer call my father or mother to share the pleasure of my
children’s progress. Sure, I received many congratulatory wishes from good
friends, but a parent’s good wishes are irreplaceable. I do take great pleasure
in my grandchildren’s achievements, but it would be infinitely greater if I
could share the joy with my parents.
“So, dad and mom, you may no longer have to
diaper or pay for dental braces. But, oh, how much you are needed! Your
roles may have indeed changed, but your value never changes, except, that is,
it increases.”
Torah relates that, “Yaakov lived in the land of Egypt
seventeen years.” After twenty-two painful years of separation, Yaakov was
finally reunited with Yosef in Egypt.
Yaakov begrudgingly emigrated from Canaan, transporting his entire family to Egypt.
The Medrash[1]
derives from the vernacular of the verse that Yaakov truly “lived” during his
final seventeen years in Egypt.
They were years of “ripe old age and tranquility”. After an entire lifetimes
besieged with challenges and vicissitudes, Yaakov lived out his final years
enjoying the nachas and pleasure of watching his burgeoning family’s growth.
It would seem that Yaakov earned the bliss
of his final years. After living and traversing the challenges of Eisav, Lavan,
Dinah, and the loss of Yosef, Yaakov was surely entitled to enjoy the end of
his life.
After Yaakov’s encounter with Eisav and
after the abduction of Dinah and the Shechem debacle, the Medrash states that
Yaakov sought to dwell in tranquility, whereupon G-d immediately wrought upon
him the debacle of Yosef. G-d said, as it were, “Is it not sufficient for the righteous
what is prepared for them in the World to Come that they seek to dwell in serenity
in this world?”        
The commentators struggle to understand
this statement. Yaakov surely did not seek a life of physical indulging and
pampering. The tranquility he yearned for was a life free of challenge, so that
he could devote himself to complete Service to G-d. What was wrong with that
noble desire?
I was further bothered by the fact that at
the end of his life Yaakov seems to have indeed achieved a period of blissful
tranquility. Although the natural course of
took its toll on Yaakov, his final years were free of external challenge. For
the first time in decades, Yaakov was able to devote himself solely to
spiritual pursuits and the promulgation of his legacy after his passing. Why
was Yaakov entitled to tranquility at this point whereas earlier he had to
suffer the unbearable pain of losing Yosef?
Rabbi Moshe Feinstein zt’l offers a novel
interpretation of the aforementioned statement. Just prior to leaving home, Yosef,
the second to youngest of Yaakov’s children was seventeen years old,
practically a young adult and mature beyond his years. All of Yaakov’s sons had
already achieved extreme levels of scholarliness and had developed into
righteous young men. Thus Yaakov felt that his children had past the stage of
life when he could educate them. He felt that from that point onward they no
longer needed his constant guidance and education, and at this point he was
free to reap the fruits of his labor of raising such a beautiful family. Yaakov
thought that he could sit back and enjoy his family as they continued on the
path he had set them upon during their formative years.
It was at that point that the debacle of
Yosef began to unfold. G-d’s message to Yaakov was that it is only when the
righteous depart this world that they become exonerated from their
responsibility to educate their children. But as long as one is still alive he
must always be a guide and educator for his children. The manner in which he
gives over that education changes drastically throughout the course of life,
but the idea that a parent always remains an educator never changes.
Perhaps we can utilize this idea to
understand why there was no complaint against Yaakov’s years of tranquility at
the end of his life in Egypt.
Throughout those seventeen years Yaakov was in fact the consummate educator.
The Torah relates in detail the blessings that Yaakov gave to each of his sons,
and to Menashe and Ephraim as well. The aged Yaakov utilized his remaining
energies to direct and guide his children.
The Torah records the end of Yaakov’s life
by stating, “When Yaakov finished instructing his sons; he was expired, and
gathered to his people.” The last period of Yaakov’s life may have been a time
of relative calm, but Yaakov utilized the time to teach and guide his children and
progeny about the future, literally until he breathed his last. It was only
when he finished instructing his sons that he passed on to the world of true
Although as adolescents we all sure that we
know more than our parents, Mark Twain quipped, “The older I got the smarter my
father became.” Parents must be wise enough to know how to say things to their older
children, but they must also realize that their children still need them and their
his well-known song entitled “Zaide”, Moshe Yess poignantly sang, “Who will be
the Zaide of our children; who will be their Zaide if not we?”
Who will be the parents of our children if
not we?!
“When Yaakov finished instructing his sons…”
“Yaakov lived in the land of Egypt
seventeen years”

[1] Medrash
Hagadol; also see Zohar 1:216
[2] Certainly
there are situations in which a parent is unable to have such a conversation
with their child for various reasons. Still it is the parent’s responsibility
to ensure that someone close with their child has that conversation. 

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