Striving Higher


In 5770, I was privileged to spend a week in Eretz Yisroel with a group
of Rabbis

from across America and Canada. One of the great people I met there was Rabbi Avi Berman, director of the Orthodox
Union in Eretz Yisroel. Among his other important work, is Rabbi Berman’s involvement
with Israeli soldiers.  When
soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces went into combat against Hamas in Gaza a
few years ago, he spearheaded the dissemination of tefillin to over a hundred
soldiers who were interested in adding a spiritual component to their weaponry.
After the operation in Gaza
concluded, the OU continued to be in contact with the soldiers who had received
the new pairs of tefillin.

enemy territory the army erects a home base. Before advancing into combat, at
that base, soldiers leave all their personal belongings and valuables.
Berman related that he was friends with a soldier who was killed during the Gaza campaign. When they
gathered his personal belongings after he was killed, they found on his camera a
video which was taken just before he had set out with his unit, on what would
be his final mission. The video showed the soldier and members of his unit
dancing intensely with their unit’s Army-Rabbi singing
הנצח לא מפחד מדרך ארוכה”
The eternal nation does not fear the long road[1].”   
During the Shabbos I was in Eretz Yisroel, we had the privilege to eat
Shalosh Seudos at the home of Abba and Pamela Claver. The Clavers live in the
Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Yerushalayim, and their rooftop provides a
magnificent view of the Kosel and the Temple Mount.
But what made the experience truly special was the fact that we ate
together with a regiment of religious soldiers. In fact, we sat interspersed
among the soldiers, and had a chance to get to know them. One of the highlights
of the seudah for me was when we sang the aforementioned
עם הנצח”
Defending Eretz Yisroel, being, and living, as a Torah Jew, and seeking
to gain any level of mastery in Torah study, the noblest pursuit of all, all
entail perseverance along “the long road”. The eternal people must always
proceed without fear! 
The nation stood at the threshold of Eretz Yisroel, their entry into the
land imminent. Twelve of the greatest leaders of the nation, one leader
representing each tribe, were dispatched to survey the land. The results of
that mission were catastrophic. 
Ten spies reported that the inhabitants of the Land were possessed
insurmountable strength, and were impregnable. Two spies however, returned
preaching that they would be able to vanquish the inhabitants, despite the
Ten spies lamented that, “We cannot ascend to that people for it is too
strong for us”, and two spies countered, “We shall surely ascend and conquer it,
for we can surely do it.” Ten spies cried, “It is a land that devours its
inhabitants… we were like grasshoppers in our eyes, and so we were in their
eyes”, while two spies retorted, “If G-d desires us, He will He will bring us
to this Land and give it to us… You should not fear the people of the Land for
they are our bread… G-d is with us. Do not fear them!”
It is uncanny that the same people who saw the same thing could have had
two diametrically different experiences. How could ten spies return full of
dread and pessimism, while the other two were filled with sanguinity and
Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe zt’l[2]
explained that one’s level of bitachon[3]
in G-d is based on the context of his perceived relationship with G-d. If one
truly believes that G-d loves him, he will relate to the events of life with a
far more optimistic attitude, than one who believes G-d is ‘out to get him’
(heaven forefend).
On their great level, the ten spies felt a certain
spiritual/psychological aloofness from G-d. They did not feel worthy enough of
G-d’s love and protection[4].
Therefore, when they saw the challenges they would face upon entry into the
land, they saw them as impending disasters.
Yehoshua and Calev however, saw the same land through a lens of
closeness to G-d. Their bitachon in G-d was whole-hearted, and they felt that
G-d’s love for them, and all of Klal Yisroel, was uncompromised and
unconditional. Therefore, when they viewed those same challenges, they saw them
as opportunities that would undoubtedly yield Divinely-ordained victories.
Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon shlita, the Lakewood Mashgiach, noted[5]
that in Israel today there is a “Sar Habitachon – Minister of Defense”
who is in charge of ensuring the security of the country. But Torah Jews have
greater confidence in the “Sha’ar Habitachon”[6].
It is our sense of bitachon that grants us the ability to feel a sense of
security and tranquility in an insecure world.   
Rabbi Salomon continued by quoting a poignant thought from Rabbi Simcha
Zissel Ziv, the Alter of Kelm: It is commonly believed that the difference
between a hero and a coward is that the coward is beset by fear, while the hero
is not afraid. But this is a fallacy. If the hero indeed had no fear, either he
would not proceed into battle in the first place, or even if he did, he would
not fight with adequate gusto and determination.
In truth, both the hero and the coward may be intimidated and frightened
by the prospects of the unknown they are facing. The difference is however, that
the coward flees from the source of his fear, while the hero is propelled
forward despite his fear. Both are afraid, but the coward is paralyzed by his
fear and seeks avoidance, while the hero is more driven with confidence to confront
his fear with every asset available to him. The coward seeks the path of least
resistance, while the hero relentlessly readies himself for a long arduous
To become a hero, one must feel that sense of security which breeds
optimism and hope. To have that level of bitachon in G-d there must be
requisite feeling of connection with G-d, and a penetratingly deep realization
of how much G-d loves him.
The roads of life are daunting and ominous. But when one feels securely
in the Hands of G-d he can proceed, because he is not afraid to confront fear
 “G-d is with us. Do not fear
 “The eternal nation does not fear
the long road”
Rabbi Dani Staum, LMSW
Rabbi, Kehillat New Hempstead
Rebbe/Guidance Counselor – ASHAR
Principal – Ohr Naftoli- New Windsor

[1] This well
known song sung by religious soldiers was written during the Disengagement from
Gaza by the
settlers as they were being evacuated. It is sung to the popular tune commonly
sung to the words, “Oz V’hadar l’vushah”.
[2] Alei Shor,
Volume 2, p. 576
[3] Bitachon is
the highest level of trust in G-d. It is a deeper and higher level than emunah
(faith). Bitachon literally means security; one who has bitachon in G-d feels
completely secure no matter what happens to him because he sincerely feels that
he is in G-d’s Hands. Chazon Ish explains that emunah is an intellectual
belief, while bitachon is an emotional belief, and therefore is much stronger. 
[4] The Chofetz
Chaim develops this idea at length. He explains that the spies felt misplaced
humility, figuring that they were unworthy of divine intervention and miracles.
The Chofetz Chaim continues that this is a common tactic of our own Evil
Inclination; he seeks to make us feel unworthy and distant from G-d, which in
turn affects all of our Service to G-d.
[5] Torah
Umesorah Convention – Iyar 5769/May 2009
[6] Literally
the “Gates of Trust (in G-d)”; a reference to the section with that title in
the great ethical work Chovas Halivavos (Duties of the Heart) 

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