Striving Higher



was eighteen years old, and I had gotten my license a few months earlier. I was
driving on a main road near Monsey, feeling very confident and grown-up. I was
making a left turn, crossing a busy intersection into a shopping mall, when a
car driving on the shoulder to make a right turn, hit me from the side.
          I was
convinced that the turn I was making was legal, and I was not at fault, until I
realized there was a ‘No left turn’ sign that had been obscured from my view. I
immediately began to rationalize that I had seen people make that turn many
times before, and I had no idea that it was illegal. But I quickly realized
that there was no way the cop was going to buy that. If I have a license then I
am expected to look for traffic signs, and to determine whether I am allowed to
make a turn before proceeding. That’s part of the responsibility that comes
along with the privilege of having a license.

   Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Katz zt’l[1] was
born into a litvishe (non-Chassidic) family. After a few encounters with Rabbi
Yisrael ben Eliezer Ba’al Shem Tov[2]
however, he became one of his most ardent students and followers. In fact, all
the teachings of the Ba’al Shem Tov that we have recorded, are from the writings
of Rabbi Katz[3]
   One time the Ba’al Shem Tov noted that everything
that transpires during one’s life is pre-ordained and contains a personal
message for that person.
   Just then, a non-Jew knocked on the door of the
Ba’al Shem Tov and asked if anything in his house needed to be repaired. The
Ba’al Shem Tov replied that everything was in perfect order. The non-Jew
replied, “Rabbi, if you look hard enough there is always something that
requires fixing.” Upon hearing those words, the Ba’al Shem Tov excitedly
turned to Rabbi Katz, “Did you hear what he just said? That was a message
for us from G-d. It’s teaching us that one may feel complacent with his
spiritual level. However, if he reflects within himself, he can always find
things that need rectifying.” Rabbi Katz was not convinced. He replied that the
non-Jew was merely looking to make some extra cash. There was no divine message
in the mundane words he uttered.
          The Ba’al Shem
Tov reiterated that the message was true; he just didn’t want to accept it.
   A short while later, Rabbi Katz took leave of
the Ba’al Shem Tov. As he was walking, he was preoccupied with the Ba’al Shem
Tov’s message, until his thoughts were interrupted by the shouts of a local
farmer. The farmer was standing next to a heavy pile of hay that had just
fallen off his wagon. He asked Rabbi Katz if he could help him reload the hay
onto his wagon. Rabbi Katz shook his head apologetically, “I’m sorry but
I’m an old man and it’s very hot. I’m afraid I can’t help you.”
          The farmer
called back to him, “You could help if you want; you just don’t want
to!” When Rabbi Katz heard the farmer repeat the exact words he had heard
from the Ba’al Shem Tov moments earlier, he hurried back to the Ba’al Shem Tov,
now convinced of the validity of what the Ba’al Shem Tov had said: Everything
that happens carries a personal message for the person. 

   On Yom Kippur, one of the
confessions we repeatedly declare is, “For the sins that we have committed
before You
בבלי דעת
– without knowledge.” One would think that
the sins committed out of ignorance would be the least of our concerns. At
least for those sins we have an excuse. Why is it necessary for us to confess
those sins?
   Sefer Hachassidim (153) explains that during the
war against Midyan Moshe became upset at the generals of the nation for not
killing the Midyanite women[4]. The
generals could have conceivably replied to Moshe that he had never explicitly
commanded them to kill the women. However, the generals understood that they
were culpable, because they should have realized it on their own. They should
have rationalized that if the Canaanites about whom the pasuk[5]
states must be completely killed out (including the women) so that the nation should
not be negatively influenced from their ways in the future[6],
surely then the Midyanites who had already caused a great plague to befall Klal
Yisroel should have been killed as well. 
   Sefer Chassidim continues that when Bila’am was
traveling with the officers of Balak to curse Klal Yisroel, his donkey pressed
his leg against a solid wall three times. Out of anger, Bila’am struck the
donkey with his stick. Miraculously the donkey spoke to Bila’am and asked him
(Bamidbar 22:28), “What have I done to you that you have hit me three
times?” Why didn’t Bila’am reply to the donkey that he was only acting
naturally by hitting his animal? Furthermore, not only did Bila’am not defend
himself but he also admitted his error: “I have sinned for I did not
If he did not know, what sin did he commit?

   The answer is that ignorance is no
excuse. Bila’am was a prophet and therefore he should have understood that all
that transpires is preordained in heaven. Even a wicked person such as Bila’am
recognized that for a man of his stature, ignorance was not an excuse. His
ignorance was the sin. 
          Reb Yeruchom
Levovitz zt’l, the Mirrer Mashgiach, once asked his students what the first
mitzvah in the Torah is. One student immediately replied that it was to have
children, the first commandment instructed to Adam. Another student suggested
that it was the the mitzvah of Kiddush Hachodesh – sanctifying the new moon,
the first mitzvah instructed to Klal Yisroel[8], but
Reb Yeruchom waved off both of their responses.

students were perplexed; they didn’t understand what their rebbe was asking
them. Reb Yeruchom explained that the first mitzvah is ‘Zay nisht a tipish
Don’t be a

fool.’ His message was that the prerequisite for
Torah observance is to also comprehend the message of the spirit of the law.
   Though there are only four sections of Shulchan
Aruch[9], the
Ba’alei Mussar (master ethicists)
to a fifth volume, i.e. that of ‘saychel– intellect and logic’. Without ‘common
sense’, one cannot learn and fulfill Torah and mitzvos properly.

       Rabbi Yehuda Zev
Segal zt’l, the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva, would note that in the celestial
courts, ignorance is not a valid excuse. If one had the ability to study but
did not do so, he is liable for not setting aside time to do so.
   Someone once said, “The world’s greatest area of
undeveloped territory lies under people’s hats.” Ignorance is never a valid
excuse unless one can justify his inability to study and learn.
          Noted author
J.K. Rowlings quipped that the expiration date for blaming one’s life problems
on parents, is when one gets his/her license. Once one is responsible enough to
drive, he must be responsible enough for his own decisions and the trajectory
of his life. As my rebbe, Rabbi Berel Wein, once quipped “excuses are wonderful,
but they don’t pay the bills.”

have sinned for I did not know.”
          “For the sins
that we have committed before You without knowledge.”

Rabbi Dani Staum, LMSW
Rebbe/Guidance Counselor – Heichal HaTorah
Principal – Ohr Naftoli- New Windsor

[1][1] c. 1669-1781
[2] the founder of the Chassidic movement,
[3] later known as ‘the Toldos’
[4] see Bamidbar 31, parshas Matos
[5] Devorim 20:16
[6] Devorim 20:18
[7] Bamidbar
[8] See Shemos 12:1; also see the first
Rashi in the Torah
[9] the main code of Jewish law

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