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Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Beshalach – Shabbos Shirah 5785

9 Shevat 5785/ February 7, 2025


A few years ago, my dear friend Rabbi Naftali Eisgrau shared with me the following anecdote:

Rabbi Eisgrau’s father-in-law is the late Rabbi Avi Shulman. Rabbi Shulman, who insisted on always being called Mr. Shulman, was known for being astute and insightful. He was a master educator, author and lecturer.

On one occasion, when Rabbi Eisgrau arrived at his father-in-law’s home, Rabbi Shulman told him that Hashem had gifted him with $60 million that day. Rabbi Shulman then showed Rabbi Eisgrau an article from that day’s Wall Street Journal describing a project that had been in the works for some time. The project had tremendous potential and was thought to be a great service to the public. It also had potential to be very lucrative. However, when the project was developed it was a total flop costing the investors a loss of $60 million.

Rabbi Shulman then showed Rabbi Eisgrau personal notebooks in which he had developed a very similar idea. When he saw the article describing the mammoth losses of the developers, he felt grateful to Hashem that, despite his efforts, he never initiated or invested in the project. Because he didn’t lose that money, Rabbi Shulman surmised that Hashem had blessed him with $60 million.

A man once came to Rav Lazer Shach zt”l to invite the Rosh Yeshiva to a “kiddush’l” that he was making for the birth of his daughter. Rav Shach was bothered by the man’s choice of words. Kiddush’l implied that it was a minor event, because he had a girl and not a boy.

Rav Shach asked the man, “If you didn’t have a child for 10 years and then Hashem blessed you with a girl, would you make a kiddush’l or a full kiddush?” The man replied that he would then undoubtedly have made a kiddush. Rav Shach continued, “Hashem spared you the agony of waiting 10 years, Go make a kiddush, not a kiddush’l.”

An insightful friend remarked that as he has become older, when he has to fill out forms asking about medical forms regarding his medical history, he peruses the list very slowly. He looks at each disease mentioned that he doesn’t have and views it as a reminder of how much gratitude he owes Hashem. Each box he skips is another gift from Hashem to be appreciated.

During the last few weeks, we have seen incredibly emotional videos of hostages returning home. After over 400 days somehow surviving intolerable conditions at the mercy of tyrannical and hateful barbarians, Jewish hostages were returned to the loving embrace of family and friends.

How evil is Hamas? Even in the final moments before releasing the hostages, Hamas paraded the hostages on stage in front of masses of sneering and jeering crowds. The hostages were forced to wave at the crowds while being professionally videoed. The sole point of that final ridiculous ordeal was to shame the hostages one last time.

Each hostage represents every Jew. While we ourselves constantly focus on our differences, our enemies see all of us just as Jews. They hate every one of us equally. When the hostages are shamed, it is a personal affront to every one of us. Every hostage represents every Jew the world over.

Whose heart doesn’t melt when seeing clips of families reuniting with hostages, they weren’t sure they would ever see again? (And whose heart doesn’t break when thinking about the many families of hostages and soldiers who will never be reunited with their loved ones?)

It was frightening realization for me that the young women who returned from captivity this week are the same age as my daughter.

Hashem spared me and my children 400 days of captivity, trauma and terror. The Hamas terrorists would have gleefully done the same things to me and my family if they had the opportunity. It is a sobering realization.

Tu b’Shvat is a celebration of renewal before the renewal is discernible. It’s also a time to appreciate the simple blessings of life – the miracles of nature like the growth of fruits. We have much to be thankful for, even with all our frustrations and challenges. If we appreciate those blessings and are thankful for them constantly, our lives will be enriched.

Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,

R’ Dani and Chani Staum

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