Striving Higher

Simchas Torah 5782




Hoshanah Rabbah

21 Tishrei 5781/September 27, 2021


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לרפואה שלימה נטע יצחק בן רחל



the most under-appreciated honor that one can receive in shul is to do hagbaha
– raising the Torah for the entire congregation to see.

people don’t appreciate being honored with hagbaha, because, unlike being
called up for an aliyah, hagbaha is not a “talking part”. Some young men
however, become very excited with the opportunity to do hagbaha, relishing the
opportunity to display their bulging muscles to the entire congregation. You
can tell who those people are because they try to open the entire Torah at once
while raising it to the rafters.

            I often
think about a hagbaha incident from my youth, when we davened in the Poilisher
Shteeble on the Lower East Side. For some inexplicable reason, Ezra, a man
whose hands shook was given the honor of doing hagbaha. As expected, as soon as
Ezra lifted the Torah it wobbled menacingly, and everyone around the bimah
rushed to steady it. An annoyed Ezra called out, “I got it! I got it!” My
father and I still laugh about that incident.

this time of year hagbaha can be somewhat challenging because all of the weight
of the Torah is shifted to one side. During the weeks before Simchas Torah when
the final parshios of the Torah are read, all of the weight is on the right
side. Then, during the weeks after Simchas Torah when the first parshios of the
Torah are read, all the weight is on the left side.

            There is
a symbolic message in the challenging hagbahos of this time of year. The end of
the Jewish year is the season of repentance, when we seek to reset ourselves
spiritually, and recommit ourselves to the ideals of Torah and serving Hashem.
It is immediately followed by our recommencement of our yearly cycle of Torah
learning and reading. During this time, we remind ourselves that Torah study,
commitment and observance is not merely for when everything is evenly balanced
and relatively easy. It also includes unyielding acceptance, even when life
seems unbalanced, and pressures pull us in one (or opposite) directions. Our
task is to be able to metaphorically do hagbaha – raising and looking upwards
towards the open Torah – even then.

Elimelech Biderman similarly notes that this message is demonstrated in our
daily taking of the Four Species on Succos. Halacha dictates that until one
recites the blessing, one holds the esrog upside down with the pittum facing
downwards. This symbolizes that whenever one is in a situation where things
seem upside down, or out of whack, when things are as people say, “mitten
pittum arup
 – when the pittum is facing the ground”, even then one
must recite a beracha. Doing so demonstrates one’s faith that everything is for
the good and exactly how G-d wants it to be. In that merit, hopefully
everything will be transformed to what seems good to us as well.

            There is
an old beloved Yiddish Succos song called “ah sukkele”. In a moving tune
it relates how the father built a flimsy succah for his family to use during
the beloved holiday. But then a storm came, and winds pounded the succah,
threatening to rip it apart. The man’s son turns to his father in fear and asks
if the succah can withstand such winds? The father reassuringly replies that
the succah has been withstanding terrible winds and tempests for two thousand
years. It will unquestionably withstand this storm as well.

the seven days of Succos we celebrate the lives of seven of our greatest
leaders, the ushpizin, who are called the seven shepherds of Klal Yisroel. By
reminding ourselves and contemplating their timeless contribution to our
people, we welcome their presence and essence into our succah.

ushpizin teach us how to serve Hashem, even when things are not pleasant, easy
or convenient. Each one of them transcended numerous challenges and struggles
throughout their lives. It is their moments of triumph over adversity and
personal pain that we celebrate and try to internalize during Succos. It is the
fact that they served Hashem even when things weren’t balanced and the
proverbial esrog was upside down.

            As we
roll the Torah for the end back to the beginning, and as the weight shifts from
one side to the other, our hope is that we can proclaim, “I got it! I got it!”,
even at those times when our hands are shaky, and we feel unbalanced.


            A Piskta
Tava & Git Kvittel

Yom Tov & Chag Sameiach,

            R’ Dani and Chani Staum       

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