Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Chukas
Pirkei Avos – Perek 4 —
29 Sivan (Erev Rosh Chodesh Tamuz) 5774/June 27, 2014
29 Sivan (Erev Rosh Chodesh Tamuz) 5774/June 27, 2014
That’s an impressive number!
That’s an impressive number!
It was a
great feeling when I realized that this is the 250th Rabbi’s Musings
column that I have written. It is an added honor that column archives are now
posted weekly in the Five Towns Jewish Home, Baltimore Jewish Home, and Bergen
County Jewish Link.
great feeling when I realized that this is the 250th Rabbi’s Musings
column that I have written. It is an added honor that column archives are now
posted weekly in the Five Towns Jewish Home, Baltimore Jewish Home, and Bergen
County Jewish Link.
column began as a venue for me to share thoughts with our kehilla, Kehillat New
Hempstead, during the summer when our family is away in Camp Dora Golding, where
I am a Division Head. It began Erev Shabbos Pinchos in July 2009. It has continued
virtually every week since, until now – a little more than 250 weeks later – incidentally
back at Camp Dora Golding.
column began as a venue for me to share thoughts with our kehilla, Kehillat New
Hempstead, during the summer when our family is away in Camp Dora Golding, where
I am a Division Head. It began Erev Shabbos Pinchos in July 2009. It has continued
virtually every week since, until now – a little more than 250 weeks later – incidentally
back at Camp Dora Golding.
I have
been asked where I find or how I come up with the material for this column.
After all, it generally has nothing to do with the parsha and can be about any
random topic. Firstly, I consider myself privileged to be counted among the
students of Rabbi Berel Wein shlita. I was a member of the final class of
students to graduate Yeshiva Shaarei Torah under his tutelage as its Rosh
Yeshiva. [When I graduated in June 1997 he apparently felt there was nothing
more to stay for, and his family made aliyah.]
been asked where I find or how I come up with the material for this column.
After all, it generally has nothing to do with the parsha and can be about any
random topic. Firstly, I consider myself privileged to be counted among the
students of Rabbi Berel Wein shlita. I was a member of the final class of
students to graduate Yeshiva Shaarei Torah under his tutelage as its Rosh
Yeshiva. [When I graduated in June 1997 he apparently felt there was nothing
more to stay for, and his family made aliyah.]
Wein has instilled within his students and myriad admirers an appreciation of
the fact that there are lessons to be gleaned from every occurrence in life if
your eyes are trained to see them. His book, Buy Green Bananas, is a
collection of short witticisms of his unique perspective of seemingly mundane
events. The book is so named as an encouragement to invest in things that are
not yet ripe, because we always have to invest in our future. Modeling myself
after my Rebbe, I have toyed with the idea of writing a book called ‘Eat Mashed
Wein has instilled within his students and myriad admirers an appreciation of
the fact that there are lessons to be gleaned from every occurrence in life if
your eyes are trained to see them. His book, Buy Green Bananas, is a
collection of short witticisms of his unique perspective of seemingly mundane
events. The book is so named as an encouragement to invest in things that are
not yet ripe, because we always have to invest in our future. Modeling myself
after my Rebbe, I have toyed with the idea of writing a book called ‘Eat Mashed
weltanschauung and perspectives on life have been vastly influenced by Rabbi
Wein, as is especially recognizable in this column. In fact he has influenced
me more than I realize. I was very proud of myself for the title of this
column, Rabbi’s Musings (and Amusings), until I found that it’s actually a
chapter heading in Rabbi Wein’s book, Second Thoughts.
weltanschauung and perspectives on life have been vastly influenced by Rabbi
Wein, as is especially recognizable in this column. In fact he has influenced
me more than I realize. I was very proud of myself for the title of this
column, Rabbi’s Musings (and Amusings), until I found that it’s actually a
chapter heading in Rabbi Wein’s book, Second Thoughts.
I would
add that looking for material to write about each week helps bolster one’s
search for significance in everything that occurs in life. A friend of mine
once wondered whether more eccentric things happen to Ba’alei Teshuva or is it
that they are they more in tune to finding G-d in every aspect of life, and so they
recognize the Hand of G-d more than others who allow their religious
responsibilities to become passé.
add that looking for material to write about each week helps bolster one’s
search for significance in everything that occurs in life. A friend of mine
once wondered whether more eccentric things happen to Ba’alei Teshuva or is it
that they are they more in tune to finding G-d in every aspect of life, and so they
recognize the Hand of G-d more than others who allow their religious
responsibilities to become passé.
I would
venture to think that although the Hand of G-d is often blatantly clear in the
journey of Ba’alei Teshuva, it’s the latter explanation that carries more
weight. Every time a shidduch is celebrated, one finds a job, buys a house in a
specific neighborhood, meets someone random on the street, needs repairs in his
home/car, deals with frustrations, or merits particular blessing, it is a clear
manifestation of a Divine Hand guiding the world and our lives.
venture to think that although the Hand of G-d is often blatantly clear in the
journey of Ba’alei Teshuva, it’s the latter explanation that carries more
weight. Every time a shidduch is celebrated, one finds a job, buys a house in a
specific neighborhood, meets someone random on the street, needs repairs in his
home/car, deals with frustrations, or merits particular blessing, it is a clear
manifestation of a Divine Hand guiding the world and our lives.
When one
trains himself to search for Hashem in life, He is readily found, even in
bananas and mashed potatoes.
trains himself to search for Hashem in life, He is readily found, even in
bananas and mashed potatoes.
Good Chodesh
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
R’ Dani and Chani Staum