Erev Shabbos Kodesh/Pesach
14 Nissan 5779/April 19, 2019
So, when did “thing” become a thing?
Our expressions are constantly evolving, especially in our
society of constant new and exciting technology, where new words are frequently
introduced to describe new apps and programs. But even within our everyday
talk, especially among the younger generation, there’s new jargon that becomes
part of our everyday speech. One of those phrases is “thing”.
society of constant new and exciting technology, where new words are frequently
introduced to describe new apps and programs. But even within our everyday
talk, especially among the younger generation, there’s new jargon that becomes
part of our everyday speech. One of those phrases is “thing”.
When I was growing up, people spoke about “something” and
having “things”, and of course Dr. Suess’s Cat in the Hat had “Thing 1” and
“Thing 2”. But, people didn’t ask “is that a thing?”, “when did that become a
thing?”, or “how is that even a thing?”
having “things”, and of course Dr. Suess’s Cat in the Hat had “Thing 1” and
“Thing 2”. But, people didn’t ask “is that a thing?”, “when did that become a
thing?”, or “how is that even a thing?”
(In the Yeshiva world, bochurim often talk about “that Kav”.
It’s the same as saying “thing” but in yeshivish talk…)
It’s the same as saying “thing” but in yeshivish talk…)
People used to talk about fads, rages, styles, and trends.
Now all of that is compacted into “thing”.
I don’t remember when that way of talk began,
but I’m pretty sure it was only in the twenty-first century. In our culture,
being “a thing” has become the basic unit of cultural ontology.
In 2012 there was a tremendous event in
CitiField, known as the CitiField asifa (gathering) to generate awareness about
the potential pitfalls and dangers involved in internet usage. (A friend
pointed out that it was the only time CitiField was sold out for an event that
season…) The main driving forces behind the asifa were the late Skulener
Rebbe zt”l and Rav Matisyahu Salomon shlita.
Now all of that is compacted into “thing”.
I don’t remember when that way of talk began,
but I’m pretty sure it was only in the twenty-first century. In our culture,
being “a thing” has become the basic unit of cultural ontology.
In 2012 there was a tremendous event in
CitiField, known as the CitiField asifa (gathering) to generate awareness about
the potential pitfalls and dangers involved in internet usage. (A friend
pointed out that it was the only time CitiField was sold out for an event that
season…) The main driving forces behind the asifa were the late Skulener
Rebbe zt”l and Rav Matisyahu Salomon shlita.
At a pre-asifa meeting with rabbonim and community leaders,
Rav Salomon explained that the purpose of the event was not to rail against,
and flatly outlaw internet usage. Rather, it was to create an awareness among
the Torah faithful that this is a significant challenge. The internet is not
just another issue we have to contend with, but we need to recognize that as a
generation, it is our most formidable challenge and we need to take it
Rav Salomon explained that the purpose of the event was not to rail against,
and flatly outlaw internet usage. Rather, it was to create an awareness among
the Torah faithful that this is a significant challenge. The internet is not
just another issue we have to contend with, but we need to recognize that as a
generation, it is our most formidable challenge and we need to take it
In a sense, his point was that the asifa was to generate
awareness that vigilance about internet and the dangers it can present if not
used responsibly is “a thing”.
awareness that vigilance about internet and the dangers it can present if not
used responsibly is “a thing”.
In a similar vein, every morning after shachris in our
Yeshiva, Heichal HaTorah, there is voluntary chabura (group) that meets in
front of the Bais Medrash with Rabbi Pesach Skulnik for a five-minute lecture
about the laws of loshon hora. That chabura has a positive effect upon the
entire Yeshiva, eve the boys who don’t attend. The mere fact that such a
chabura exists, generates awareness that being vigilant about not speaking
loshon hora is “a thing”.
Yeshiva, Heichal HaTorah, there is voluntary chabura (group) that meets in
front of the Bais Medrash with Rabbi Pesach Skulnik for a five-minute lecture
about the laws of loshon hora. That chabura has a positive effect upon the
entire Yeshiva, eve the boys who don’t attend. The mere fact that such a
chabura exists, generates awareness that being vigilant about not speaking
loshon hora is “a thing”.
On Seder night, our goal is to make sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim
“a thing”. However, that is not the ultimate goal. Our ultimate goal is to make
emunah and awareness of Hashem in our lives “a thing”.
“a thing”. However, that is not the ultimate goal. Our ultimate goal is to make
emunah and awareness of Hashem in our lives “a thing”.
How do we make something into “a thing”?
Just a few weeks ago, the baseball season began. One morning
my students asked me which team I root for. When I replied that the Staums are
Yankees fans, one of my students asked me to name the starting players for the
Yankees. When I admitted that I couldn’t, he heatedly replied that I wasn’t
really a fan. He was emphatic that a real fan knows every player on his team
and their stats. He told me that if I was really a passionate fan, I’d at least
know their names and positions. I asked him if I have to get special permission
to cheer for the Yankees even though I am not a bona-fide fan.
my students asked me which team I root for. When I replied that the Staums are
Yankees fans, one of my students asked me to name the starting players for the
Yankees. When I admitted that I couldn’t, he heatedly replied that I wasn’t
really a fan. He was emphatic that a real fan knows every player on his team
and their stats. He told me that if I was really a passionate fan, I’d at least
know their names and positions. I asked him if I have to get special permission
to cheer for the Yankees even though I am not a bona-fide fan.
I’m still waiting to find out what my status and fate as a
Yankees fan will be.
Some people come to the Seder with a passive demeanor.
They fulfill all the mitzvos of the evening according to halacha and
undoubtedly are enriched by the experience. But that can not compare to someone
who approaches the Seder with passion and excitement. Such people prepare
beforehand and can’t wait for the exalted evening. Each mitzvah performed adds
to his excitement and he relishes every moment of the regal night. That
experience will undoubtedly endure far longer, because to that second person
the Seder was far more of “a thing”. Quite simply, something becomes “a thing”
when it is exciting and captivating.
Yankees fan will be.
Some people come to the Seder with a passive demeanor.
They fulfill all the mitzvos of the evening according to halacha and
undoubtedly are enriched by the experience. But that can not compare to someone
who approaches the Seder with passion and excitement. Such people prepare
beforehand and can’t wait for the exalted evening. Each mitzvah performed adds
to his excitement and he relishes every moment of the regal night. That
experience will undoubtedly endure far longer, because to that second person
the Seder was far more of “a thing”. Quite simply, something becomes “a thing”
when it is exciting and captivating.
A night that ends with hallel and nirtza, songs of yearning
and love for more, inevitably elevates all its adherents.
and love for more, inevitably elevates all its adherents.
With that, I wish all of my loyal readers a legit epic Seder,
which unquestionably is “a thing”.
which unquestionably is “a thing”.
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos
Chag Kasher v’samayach & Freilichen
Yom Tov,
Yom Tov,
R’ Dani and Chani Staum