Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh parshas Vayishlach
15 Kislev 5780/December 13, 2019
            Rabbi, I was wondering about our
prayers. What’s with all the praises of G-d? It seems like we say a lot of
similar stuff in different ways, over and over. I’ve always been taught that
because G-d is infinite, He doesn’t need our praises. Instead, the praises we
say are for us; somehow it helps US when we keep praising G-d. I don’t get that
concept. How does it help us to say the same praises about G-d every day? I
mean, don’t we get it already? G-d is great, it’s great to be close to Him, He
is all powerful, mighty, eternal, and incredible, He makes everything happen,
all the repetition?
            Dear Jonah,
            I don’t go shopping too often, but
when I do, I can’t help but hear the lyrics of the background music playing in
stores. The same is true when I go on outings anywhere. I noticed that the
overwhelming majority of those songs are about love and attraction. I gotta
tell you – after hearing just a few songs, I can’t help wondering – don’t we
get it already? I feel like saying to the singers, “okay, fine so you’re
excited for tonight, you can’t wait to be with her, she makes you feel great,
life is incomplete without her, you don’t know how you made it without her
until now, her love is the best, etc. etc. We heard you loud and clear! Now
let’s move on and sing about something else.” But they never do. It’s the same
theme over and over. And if it’s not about excitement about love, it’s about
the heartbreak of the breakup, the misery of being without that love, or the
arrogant insistence of the singer that he/she couldn’t care less that the other
person broke up with them, and that they’re ten times better off without
him/her. (If they were really so okay without the relationship, why sing about
it at all? Just move on…)
            There is obviously a very powerful
drive to achieve connection with someone/something beyond ourselves, that helps
us transcend the monotony of daily life.
            One core difference between the
songs the world sings and the songs of davening that we sing is rooted in where
we turn to for that feeling of connection. They sing about that person who
makes them feel whole and energetic and makes life exciting. Apparently, there
is a thrill to express one’s excitement even in the mere searching and waiting
for that “love” (which is actually lust).
problem is that no person can be the source of someone else’s excitement for
any length of time. As the saying goes, familiarity breeds contempt. The rush
they are singing about and searching for is elusive and fleeting and will
invariably leave them feeling empty and frustrated.
            When we sing of G-d’s greatness on
the other hand, it reminds us that fulfillment and inner tranquility is to be
found in connection with the infinite. There is deep joy felt when we recognize
that we have the privilege to sing about the infinite G-d with whom we share a
personal and unique relationship. It’s as if we are reminding ourselves of Who
we are about to pray to, and what an incredible privilege that is.
            I will admit that when I was your
age, I had a hard time relating to davening and appreciating all those praises.
But as I have gotten older, I can honestly say that I enjoy davening. (I
definitely have my days when I’m tired and not in the mood and have to push
myself to say the words. But most days I enjoy the experience.) I enjoy
reciting praises of G-d and reminding myself that I have a direct and permanent
line to the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, no matter what spiritual
level I am on.
            That really is a relationship worth
singing about and yearning for. Like all valuable things in life, it entails an
investment of effort to develop an appreciation for it. I hope you attain that
level where you recognize that the question you asked is not even a question.[1]
            Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
R’ Dani and Chani Staum       

[1] Toras Avigdor,
an organization that disseminates the Torah thoughts of Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt”l,
sends out daily emails which contain questions posed to Rabbi Miller and his
verbatim answers. This week, there was a question about the effect of music.
Following is part of his answer:
“Music, when
utilized for mussar and avodas Hashem, is an
excellent expedient. That’s why Dovid Hamelech, when the spirit moved him…
took out his harp and the harp helped him begin to ascend on the wings of music
to the heights of perfection of the soul.
“But when music
is used for, “Your eyes,” and “Your lips,” and your this and your that and
how I miss you, and all the rest of the garbage, the Kuzari says that means
that the music which once was used for the service of Hakodosh Boruch Hu has
now become the play thing of the maidservants and the boys in the street. The
Kuzari said that almost a thousand years ago. And it has deteriorated
since then. Originally however, there’s no question that music was intended to
assist in the elevation of the spirit.”

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