Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Vayishlach  
15 Kiselv 5776/ November
27, 2015
At our Shabbos table
each week, I try to ask our children a challenging question based on the parsha,
for a cash reward.
This past Shabbos the question
was: in what way is the structure of Parshas Vayetzei unique? How does it
differ from any other parsha in the Torah? The correct answer is that it is the
only parsha that contains no openings in the Torah. In other words, in a Sefer
Torah there are no paragraph breaks throughout the entire parsha. Parshas
Vayezei is a few long continuous columns of words.
For those who do Shanyim
Mikra V’echad Targum
by reading from one opening in the Torah to the next,
it is very challenging. For those of us who do it late Friday night (which during
these winter Shabbosos, ‘late’ is around 7 p.m.) reading page after page of
Unkelos without any breaks presents a real battle against head-bopping
Chazal explain that the
open spaces in the Torah symbolize the need for one to step back and
contemplate what has just occurred or has been taught. It is not merely for
aesthetics. Rather, one must “learn” the open spaces, i.e. by reflecting on the
lessons that were just taught.
Parshas Vayetzei
contains the story of Yaakov Avinu’s descent and lingering in his personal
exile in the home of Lavan. One of the greatest challenges of exile is that one
is not in control of his fate and responsibilities. He is under the dominion
and direction of others, subject to their whims and demands. Often those
expectations are antithetical to Torah values. In such an atmosphere it is all
the more challenging to contemplate what G-d expects and demands of a person in
such a situation. That challenge is symbolized by the lack of open spaces in
Parshas Vayetzei.
Yaakov Avinu
demonstrated that one can, and must, maintain his integrity and connection to
G-d even in such a challenging atmosphere.
I don’t know if there’s
any message that speaks more to our generation! Think about the life of the
common person living in our contemporary free world. We go to sleep with our cell
phones nearby. Many of us wake up in middle of the night to check email and
social media posts, which severely hinders quality sleep. The phone alarm
buzzes and we start our day by checking our phones. As we munch down a quick
(often unhealthy) breakfast and sip our coffee we check the news and sports. As
kids wait for the bus they upload selfies onto Instagram. As adults head out to
their cars they text and make phone calls. 
And that’s just the morning.
In a classic Far-Side
comic, Gary Larson depicts a family staring at a wall. The caption below reads
“what families did before television”. There was a time when boredom was part
of life. It wasn’t pleasant but it did give our minds time and space to wonder
and imagine. For children that enhanced the development of their cognitive
minds, for adults it meant advancements in work productivity. 
When life becomes an
endless marathon of effortless brain stimulation, we never have the opportunity
for introspection and reflection. Our creativity and novel thinking begins to
atrophy and we become mindless robots going through the motions without depth
or meaning.
Part of the reason we
seek that constant stimulation is because we are afraid to be alone with
ourselves. We are afraid of what we might encounter. But without it life is
devoid of meaning and meaning is what makes us human.
Yaakov Avinu was able
to raise the greatest of families despite the fact that that he had no external
space or breaks. Somehow he was able to find internal meaning through
contemplation and reflection despite the demands imposed upon him. It’s
something we need to learn as well.
By now it sounds trite
and clichéd but it is the truth and our only option: We can only connect
internally if we learn to disconnect externally. 
Shabbat Shalom &
Good Shabbos,
R’ Dani and Chani Staum  

720 Union Road • New Hempstead, NY 10977 • (845) 362-2425

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