Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Vayikra/Zachor
8 Adar II 5776/ March 18,
I’m really happy that I got the flu shot
this year. This way when I got the flu two weeks ago and people accusingly
asked me if I got the flu shot, I was able to reply “As a matter of a fact, I
did. And my daughter who had the flu after me, got it too.”
My doctor is pretty emphatic that the
flu shot is extremely beneficial and worthwhile. He told me that the
pharmaceutical companies are gaining a tremendous amount from generating mini-hysteria
about getting the flu shot. Their advertisement campaigns have indeed been
successful and many Americans have indeed gotten the flu shot making it very
beneficial for the pharmaceutical companies. He is also convinced that the
whole thing is a hoax and doesn’t really accomplish anything, me being another
case in point. On the flip side, the ‘flutologists’ (I might have made that up)
will counter that the flu shot works, it’s just that I caught a different strain.
There’s no doubt about that – getting the flu was a major strain. Next year
I’ll have to remember to only allow myself to become susceptible to the strain
that I was injected with (if I allow myself to be swayed by flu shot propaganda
next year). 
The one thing I can say about the flu is
that it is very loving and friendly. I don’t know anyone/anything else that can
tolerate being around me without a break for over two weeks.
The flu of course brings with it a
cocktail of symptoms – headache, achiness, fatigue, fever, and, of course, the
chills.  I had that unenviable experience
of waking up in the middle of the night with my teeth chattering, despite
wearing a sweat shirt, socks, and an extra blanket. Until the Advil I took
kicked in there was almost nothing I could do to warm myself.
This was in contrast to the deep freeze
that overtook the tri-state area the week before. Thankfully it’s been so warm
lately that we have almost forgotten about the week of subzero temperatures and
wind gusts of a month ago. But during that arctic blast, although it was
painfully cold, wearing layers of clothing helped mitigate the cold, at least
for the body parts that were covered. But when the chill is within there’s
hardly anything to do except to fight it off with medicine.
The Jewish People have no shortage of
enemies who have caused us incredible pain throughout the millennia. Above them
all, and in a class of their own, is our nemesis, Amalek. The greatest
difference between Amalek and all of our other enemies is that although our
enemies attack us and threaten us in all sorts of ways, Amalek is not content
to attack us from without. Theirs is a full fledged assault on our very
identity as believers and as G-d’s ambassadors to the world, as it were. Amalek
penetrates our conscience, scoffing our mission, mocking our ability to be
truly great, and filling us with self-doubt. That danger is internal and all of
the outside layers we don to protect ourselves are insufficient. To fight that
battle we have to ward off the infection within, by fortifying ourselves spiritually
with belief in ourselves and our cause. 
The driving force of Amalek lurks
everywhere. It’s not merely the frightening danger of those who seek to
accomplish what Haman wanted – ISIS, Iran, Hamas, etc. Far more
pernicious are the bloggers and naysayers whose venomous opinions are enough to
make an Amaleki out of any believing Jew.
When it comes to fighting Amalek – a
battle we will never fully win until the Messianic era dawns – vaccines are
insufficient. We need a healthy dosage of spiritual vitamins. Those vitamins
come in the form of recognizing the danger and the (only) remedy, building our
ranks with unity, including caring for the underprivileged, and rejoicing
together simply because we are members of this elite unit. These steps are also
known as reading the Megillah, sending Shalach Manos, Matanos Laevyonim, and
enjoying Seudas Purim.
The Torah states that Amalek “cooled you
off on the way” (asher karcha baderech). We respond with the intense celebration
of Purim to warm our bodies, hearts, and souls. And that’s an even better
remedy than your Bubby’s chicken soup for Amalek’s uncommon cold.    
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos
Freilichen Purim to all of Klal Yisroel,

            R’ Dani and Chani Staum        

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