Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Vayigash
3 Teves 5774/December 6,
As of the sixth day of Chanukah I hadn’t
had a latke. Not even one! So what, if I had six or seven donuts, and was
starting to look like a donut; a latke is a latke! But there’s a good reason
for my being deprived. On the sixth night of Chanukah our family returned from
an eleven day trip to Eretz Yisroel, where we celebrated the wedding of my
brother and sister-in-law, Yaakov and Michal, last week.
As special and wonderful as the trip
was, it will be even greater in retrospect, when we have the time to reflect on
all we did without the fatigue and stress endemic to traveling. It is of course
always great to be in Eretz Yisroel, but it’s even greater during the chagim.
Aside for the menorahs lit everywhere each night, the show screen on every
Egged Bus blinks the words “Chanukah sameiach”, and there are mounds of fresh
donuts – jelly, custard, even cheese, wherever you turn. But no latkes!  
One night during our trip we entered a
makolet (small market) to purchase a few things. On the ceiling behind the
counter was a tremendous picture of the skyline of New York City. A different
night we met our cousins in ‘Apple Pizza’ in Kinyon Ramot. There too, behind the
counter, was a tremendous picture of a line of taxis outside Times Square in
Manhattan. Both times I told the cashier that in my home in New York I have a
picture of Yerushalayim, while they in Jerusalem have pictures of New York
While we were on the bus en route to Me’aras
on Friday, the radio was on. At one point the newscaster
announced in Hebrew “Hayom b’Artzot Habrit yesh mah shekor’im Black Friday
(Today in America they have what’s called Black Friday).” I had almost
completely forgotten about the American post-Thanksgiving shopping blitz, but I
was reminded on my way to Chevron! 
Life simply always seems always greener
on the other side and isn’t that one of our greatest struggles? We always
appreciate what everybody else has, more than what we are blessed with. We in
America pine for the sanctity and holiness of the Holy Land, while many of
those living there dream of life in America.  
The holiday of Chanukah was primarily
enacted as a time of “hallel and hoda’ah”. It’s intriguing that
although there is no mitzvah of simcha on Chanukah, the customary blessing we
wish each other is “Chanukah Sameiach/Freilichen Chanukah/Happy Chanukah.” [Rambam
is the exception in which he states that Chanukah was enacted as ‘days of joy
and hallel’.]
Perhaps the idea is that if we fulfill
the order of the day properly, i.e. if the holiday moves us to praise and
express gratitude to all those who are important to us for everything we are
blessed with, and ultimately to G-d for His constant blessing and goodness,
than we will naturally feel joyous. 
Tal Ben Shachar, the noted Harvard
Professor of Positive Psychology and bestselling author, suggests keeping a
gratitude journal.
can be big things (like “I’m grateful for my family”) and small things
(like “I’m grateful for that nice meal I had today.”) In his words,
“When we focus on the positive, we stop taking our lives for granted, and
we become happier.”
donuts, and dreidel are delicious and exciting (and fattening). But the main focus
of Chanukah is internal. It’s a holiday of thanksgiving on all levels. It may not be a holiday dedicated to joy, but if one
observes it properly, how could he/she feel anything but joy? If we can
maintain those feelings of gratitude for our health, families, school,
livelihood, etc. then we will be able to keep the flames of Chanukah burning
brightly and warmly in our hearts, long after the Menorah has been returned to
its shelf. 
and by the way, jetlag not withstanding, our family enjoyed plenty of latkes
during those last two days of Chanukah. Let the winter diet begin!
      Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
      R’ Dani and Chani Staum

720 Union Road • New Hempstead, NY 10977 • (845) 362-2425

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