Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Vayetzei
6 Kislev 5775/ November 28, 2014
As I walked home from
shul this past Shabbos with my son Shalom, we were reminiscing about our family
trip to Eretz Yisroel a year ago. Shalom expressed that he was disappointed
with “Eretz Yisroel”. He felt that it was somewhat of a letdown. He had seen so
many pictures and heard so many stories about Eretz Yisroel, and particularly
the Kosel, and he was expecting the experience to be much loftier and glamorous
than it was.
I told Shalom that life
is often like that. Things often aren’t as spectacular as we anticipate. But
more importantly, he wasn’t alone in his experience in Eretz Yisroel, or in
visiting the Kosel for the first time. Many people report that same sense of
disappointment. They expect to arrive at the Kosel to feel an angelic embrace
as they are swept off their feet by their spiritual force that exudes from the
holiest place on earth. But instead they find that they are staring at a wall;
an ancient wall with greenery protruding from between its stones, and many
people milling around in front – some praying, some learning, some collecting
charity, some taking pictures with stapled cardboard kippot on their heads, and
others talking gregariously on their cell phones seemingly oblivious to the
sanctity of the place.
The truth is that holiness
isn’t something one naturally feels. Feelings of the soul must be developed.
One must have a sense of spiritual maturity to appreciate sanctity.
In parshas Shemos
Hashem instructs Moshe to inform Klal Yisroel that He will soon be redeeming
them from Egypt
and bringing them to Eretz Yisroel. There the pasuk (Shemos 3:8) describes
Eretz Yisroel as a land “flowing with milk and honey”.
Rav Shlomo Wolbe zt’l
explained that both milk and honey are valuable and necessary commodities but
are not immediately accessible. Unlike fruits which are noticeable on a tree
and can easily be picked, milk remains hidden in the animal’s utter and must be
squeezed. Honey too – whether bee honey or even date honey – must be squeezed
in order to attain it. 
The greatness and
beauty of Eretz Yisroel is not necessarily immediately apparent. It is only
palpable to one who can appreciate the intrinsic holiness and how invaluable
the land is.
Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman
relates that years ago he took a group of campers to visit the Bobover Rebbe, Rav
Shlomo Halberstam zt’l. The boys were not very affiliated with Judaism and had
never been to a Rebbe before. Each boy lined up to shake the Rebbe’s hand. When
it was the turn of one particular boy he stuck out his hand and as though
greeting an old friend said “My name is Jack. What’s yours?” The Rebbe was
unfazed and warmly replied “Shlomo Halberstam, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
One needs to develop
and foster a sense of spiritual awareness in order to appreciate kedusha.
Otherwise it’s just a wall, or an old religious guy with a white beard, or
another synagogue where we go to pray, socialize, and have a good kiddush.
The difference between
inspiration and a wall depends on whether we have the insight to see beyond
what our physical eyes see.  
Shabbat Shalom &
Good Shabbos,
           R’ Dani and Chani

720 Union Road • New Hempstead, NY 10977 • (845) 362-2425

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