Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Vaeschanan Pirkei Avos, perek 3
Shabbos Nachamu – 15 Av 5772/August , 2012
of tears, rivers of innocent blood, unbridled anguish, unmitigated
suffering, ruthless cruelty, and extremes of evil, all come to life in
the painful pages of the Kinnos of Tisha B’av. It’s an emotionally
difficult day, and the laws of the day reflect it.
suddenly the clock strikes midday and an instant transformation takes
place. We rise from the floor, return the curtain to the
Ark, don our tallis and tefillin and proclaim “Nachem”, and commence the process of national consolation.
How does it happen? Where does the consolation stem from, even while the day of Tisha B’av has many hours remaining?
Forest fires are unquestionably dangerous and devastating. As an example, the Caramel Forest Fire near Haifa in December 2010 caused widespread property and ecological damage. It was estimated that 1.5 million trees burned in the fire, and another 4 million trees reportedly burned since then. Nearly half of the 37,000 acres of the Carmel Forest reserve were destroyed in the fire. Most tragic was the loss of 44 lives.
yet forest fires have an important effect on the eco-system. It’s been
said that the forest fires of today lead to healthy forests of tomorrow.
The heat and pressure of a fire explodes cones filled with seeds
which are released onto the ground and begin growing shortly after.
Dead branches and trees are consumed and the vegetation that begins to
grow is healthy and vibrant.
our history we have seen time and again how we have relentlessly and
resiliently risen from the ashes to rebuild. But never was there a
greater demonstration of our unyielding eternal resiliency than in the
last century. The devastating destroyed forests of Europe
bred an explosion of seeds in Eretz Yisroel and America, where they immediately began to re-grow and redevelop.
that is the consolation of Tisha B’av. It’s the knowledge that “As much
as they would afflict them, so did they increase and so they would
spread out” (Shemos 1:12). The pain of the Kinnos is without measure,
but the knowledge that after Kinnos we
arise with unabated determination – that is our consolation.
had the great zechus to be in attendance at last night’s Siyum Hashas
at Metlife Stadium together with almost 100,000 other Jews. Personally, I
went to celebrate my father’s fourth completion of the cycle and my
mother’s dedication to that cause. But the event also allowed all of its
participants to taste the bliss of national celebration
for our accomplishment as a people.
At the siyum, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau passionately noted
that that morning in the Shir Shel Yom we beseeched, “O G-d of
vengeance Hashem, O G-d of vengeance appear!” and that evening we
merited to witness th
e appearance of that vengeance!
wondered about that profound statement. Yes, 100,000 Jews had gathered
to celebrate the completion of a study that their ruthless adversaries
had tried to obliterate in the smokestacks of the crematoria. Still however, it would take another 60 such stadiums to merely replicate the physical loss of that time.
But then I realized that that’s not what the revenge really was. Truthfully, the revenge for the senseless physical torture and genocide of that time will not be realized until Moshiach comes. Rather, it lay in the resurgence of the spirit and soul of our people, which they had sought to extinguish.
attendance with the 100,000 people was the spirit and soul, not only of
the six million, but also all of those mentioned throughout the Kinnos.
Beyond that
the souls of Abaye and Rava, and all the great personages of Torah
since time immemorial joined together as well. That was the revenge we
witnessed last night
, and the seeds of that revenge were planted by the barbarians themselves in the inferno they created to destroy it. 
And therein lies our consolation!
              Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
                R’ Dani and Chani Staum
720 Union Road • New Hempstead, NY 10977 • (845) 362-2425

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