Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Vaera
Parshas Vaera
Mevorchim Chodesh Shevat
27 Teves 5779/January 4,
Last Friday afternoon, shortly after I arrived home, our two-and-a-half-year-old
twins woke up from their nap. (They make it known when they are ready to come
twins woke up from their nap. (They make it known when they are ready to come
When I went in to take Michael out of his crib, I was
horrified. His right eye was red all around, and it looked like someone punched
him in his eye. It took me a minute before I realized that Michael had again
gotten hold of his mother’s makeup. He had smeared lipstick all around his eye.
Someone had forgotten to tell me about that before I went into the room. It’s a
good thing I didn’t call Child Protective Services.
horrified. His right eye was red all around, and it looked like someone punched
him in his eye. It took me a minute before I realized that Michael had again
gotten hold of his mother’s makeup. He had smeared lipstick all around his eye.
Someone had forgotten to tell me about that before I went into the room. It’s a
good thing I didn’t call Child Protective Services.
The lipstick was long-lasting and even after a bath and some
scrubbing the prominent red mark remained around his eye. It definitely looked
a little scary.
scrubbing the prominent red mark remained around his eye. It definitely looked
a little scary.
I doubt it’s what the Sages had in mind when they formulated
the blessing that men say thanking G-d “for not making me a woman”. But I can’t
help but feel grateful that I don’t have to color my face with specialized
crayons and powders before I leave my house every morning. I also don’t have to
discuss with my friends what kind of makeup they purchased and how I love the
color of their eyebrows.
the blessing that men say thanking G-d “for not making me a woman”. But I can’t
help but feel grateful that I don’t have to color my face with specialized
crayons and powders before I leave my house every morning. I also don’t have to
discuss with my friends what kind of makeup they purchased and how I love the
color of their eyebrows.
There are other benefits too, such as being able to throw on
a tie and be ready to go to a wedding. A woman on the other hand, has to
undergo an entire ordeal before she is ready to go to a wedding. She has to
spend a half hour deciding what to wear, another half hour complaining that she
has nothing to wear, and then another forty-five minutes putting on the dress
that she doesn’t have.
a tie and be ready to go to a wedding. A woman on the other hand, has to
undergo an entire ordeal before she is ready to go to a wedding. She has to
spend a half hour deciding what to wear, another half hour complaining that she
has nothing to wear, and then another forty-five minutes putting on the dress
that she doesn’t have.
I tell my ninth-grade students that one of the important
differences between men and women is when they announce that they have nothing
to wear. When a woman says it, she means she doesn’t know which of the 30
outfits in her closet she wants to wear, or thinks will look good enough. When
a man says he doesn’t have anything to wear, it means he cannot leave his
bedroom because he has nothing to wear!
differences between men and women is when they announce that they have nothing
to wear. When a woman says it, she means she doesn’t know which of the 30
outfits in her closet she wants to wear, or thinks will look good enough. When
a man says he doesn’t have anything to wear, it means he cannot leave his
bedroom because he has nothing to wear!
There was only one time when I wore any type of makeup. Just
before my wedding, I had a couple of small yet prominent pimples adorning my
face. A neighbor of my parents who did makeup professionally gave me a small
tube of coverup. Presto! No more pimples – at least not noticeable.
before my wedding, I had a couple of small yet prominent pimples adorning my
face. A neighbor of my parents who did makeup professionally gave me a small
tube of coverup. Presto! No more pimples – at least not noticeable.
Most of us meander through life with a tube of figurative
coverup. We don’t like admitting our vulnerabilities, so we pretend they don’t
coverup. We don’t like admitting our vulnerabilities, so we pretend they don’t
The whole world of social media is one big coverup. No one
posts reality on Facebook or Instagram. On social media every aspect of
people’s lives seems perfect, and everyone seems blissfully happy. We may even
know that it’s a superficial depiction. Yet when we see other people’s posts,
we wonder why our life isn’t as glamorous and as wonderful as our neighbors and
friends. In other words, we are jealous of things that aren’t real.
posts reality on Facebook or Instagram. On social media every aspect of
people’s lives seems perfect, and everyone seems blissfully happy. We may even
know that it’s a superficial depiction. Yet when we see other people’s posts,
we wonder why our life isn’t as glamorous and as wonderful as our neighbors and
friends. In other words, we are jealous of things that aren’t real.
Coverup is a wonderful thing before wedding pictures. It’s
also a wonderful thing when we are going about our daily lives. There’s no
benefit in hanging our dirty laundry where everyone can see it. But we need to
be honest with ourselves and not always hide from the challenging realities of
life. We also don’t do anyone a favor – including ourselves – when we pretend
our life is perfect and more glamorous than it really is.
also a wonderful thing when we are going about our daily lives. There’s no
benefit in hanging our dirty laundry where everyone can see it. But we need to
be honest with ourselves and not always hide from the challenging realities of
life. We also don’t do anyone a favor – including ourselves – when we pretend
our life is perfect and more glamorous than it really is.
By the way, baby oil does wonders to get lipstick off a toddler’s
Good Shabbos & Shabbat Shalom,
R’ Dani and Chani Staum