Erev Shabbos Kodesh parshas Toldos – Rosh Chodesh Kislev
1 Kislev 5780/November 29, 2019
just going to be forthright about it – I have weird thumbs. The truth is that
weird is relative (especially my relatives), and I’m pretty convinced that the
rest of the world has weird thumbs, and I’m one of the few who have normal and
proper thumbs. But by majority standards I have unusual thumbs, especially my
left thumb, which is somewhat short and stumpy. They say no one is perfect, so
I guess that’s why I need to have unusual thumbs.
just going to be forthright about it – I have weird thumbs. The truth is that
weird is relative (especially my relatives), and I’m pretty convinced that the
rest of the world has weird thumbs, and I’m one of the few who have normal and
proper thumbs. But by majority standards I have unusual thumbs, especially my
left thumb, which is somewhat short and stumpy. They say no one is perfect, so
I guess that’s why I need to have unusual thumbs.
When I was in high school, I had a
friend who told me that whenever he was in a bad mood, he would think about my
thumbs and that would make him laugh.
friend who told me that whenever he was in a bad mood, he would think about my
thumbs and that would make him laugh.
Thumbs are one of those gifts G-d
grants us that we fail to appreciate. One morning a friend told me he had a
dream that he had no thumbs, and he was really bummed about it because he likes
his thumbs. (Yes, I have some interesting friends…)
grants us that we fail to appreciate. One morning a friend told me he had a
dream that he had no thumbs, and he was really bummed about it because he likes
his thumbs. (Yes, I have some interesting friends…)
Aside from being helpful, thumbs
have more symbolism than any other finger. To hitch a ride, one sticks out his
thumb. If a person wants to convey satisfaction or promote something, he gives
it a thumbs up. Conversely, if he wants to convey dissatisfaction, he gives it
a thumbs down. We speak about someone who doesn’t fit in as “sticking out like
a sore thumb”.
have more symbolism than any other finger. To hitch a ride, one sticks out his
thumb. If a person wants to convey satisfaction or promote something, he gives
it a thumbs up. Conversely, if he wants to convey dissatisfaction, he gives it
a thumbs down. We speak about someone who doesn’t fit in as “sticking out like
a sore thumb”.
For those of us who have the merit
and privilege to study the timeless words of gemara, the thumb plays a
particularly significant role. We can hardly imagine learning gemara, trying to
explain a particularly challenging novel exegetical explanation, without
passionately thrusting our thumb downward and then upward. The Talmudic thumb
swipe symbolizes a shift of perspective which is one of the hallmarks of
studying Gemara.
and privilege to study the timeless words of gemara, the thumb plays a
particularly significant role. We can hardly imagine learning gemara, trying to
explain a particularly challenging novel exegetical explanation, without
passionately thrusting our thumb downward and then upward. The Talmudic thumb
swipe symbolizes a shift of perspective which is one of the hallmarks of
studying Gemara.
This past Motzei Shabbos I and my
older sons attended Camp Dora Golding’s reunion at Great Wolf Lodge in the
Poconos Mountains. While there I had the opportunity to have a conversation
with Rabbi Noach Sauber, camp’s learning director and a personal mentor. (This
isn’t the first Musings that includes thoughts that Rabbi Sauber related to me
during conversations we had…) We exchanged a few thoughts and stories, and then
Rabbi Sauber said that he had to tell me one last thought:
older sons attended Camp Dora Golding’s reunion at Great Wolf Lodge in the
Poconos Mountains. While there I had the opportunity to have a conversation
with Rabbi Noach Sauber, camp’s learning director and a personal mentor. (This
isn’t the first Musings that includes thoughts that Rabbi Sauber related to me
during conversations we had…) We exchanged a few thoughts and stories, and then
Rabbi Sauber said that he had to tell me one last thought:
When a person spoke loshon hora and
would contract tzara’as, part of the purification process included smearing
some of the ‘sacrificial blood’ on the ear lobe, thumb, and big toe of the
metzora. That it was smeared on the ear and toe are understandable – the
metzora listened to loshon hora and likely walked to hear or relate loshon
hora. But how are one’s thumbs involved in loshon hora?
would contract tzara’as, part of the purification process included smearing
some of the ‘sacrificial blood’ on the ear lobe, thumb, and big toe of the
metzora. That it was smeared on the ear and toe are understandable – the
metzora listened to loshon hora and likely walked to hear or relate loshon
hora. But how are one’s thumbs involved in loshon hora?
Rabbi Sauber related that his father
suggested that there is nothing beyond the purview of Torah. In our world
thumbs are vital for texting, and we all know how much loshon hora can be
spread through the medium of texting and social media! The Torah, which
traverses time, includes a personal message for contemporary society – that
there is a need for atonement of loshon hora promulgated by thumbs.
suggested that there is nothing beyond the purview of Torah. In our world
thumbs are vital for texting, and we all know how much loshon hora can be
spread through the medium of texting and social media! The Torah, which
traverses time, includes a personal message for contemporary society – that
there is a need for atonement of loshon hora promulgated by thumbs.
Aside for the poignancy of the
thought, I was stunned that Rabbi Sauber happened to relate that thought to me,
just as I was mentally compiling this brilliant article about thumbs!
thought, I was stunned that Rabbi Sauber happened to relate that thought to me,
just as I was mentally compiling this brilliant article about thumbs!
In closing, I take a moment to
express my gratitude to Hashem for my thumbs and for all the benefits I have
from them, including typing this article, to which I’m sure you’ll all give a
thumbs up.
express my gratitude to Hashem for my thumbs and for all the benefits I have
from them, including typing this article, to which I’m sure you’ll all give a
thumbs up.
Good Chodesh & Chodesh
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
R’ Dani and Chani Staum