Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Tazria – Hachodesh
Shabbos Rosh Chodesh
             1 Nissan 5779/April 6, 2019
Everyone in the Staum family knows that Uncle Yitz is 38
years old and is turning 39 on his birthday. 
Yitz is my father’s older brother. He and my Aunt Chaya are blessed with many
grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
In my youth I couldn’t quite figure out how it was possible
for my father’s older brother to be 38, especially when my father became older
than that, but I just assumed it was another one of those mysteries of life.
It’s happened more than once that someone has told Uncle Yitz
that he looks quite old for his age.
By now, Uncle Yitz’s children have well surpassed his age
(though some of them may deny it…) and he even has grandchildren who are not
too far behind.
In fact, Uncle Yitz has been turning 39 for over forty years

I have been thinking about this recently because
I just celebrated my 39th birthday. After all these years I finally caught up
to Uncle Yitz.
I recently was informed that the source of the
never-getting-older-than-thirty-nine-years-old idea is not Uncle Yitz’s. It
actually dates back to a Jewish fellow named Benjamin Kubelsky, who was the son
of immigrants. During the early to mid-1900s he was known to the world as the
popular comedian, Jack Benny.
It was well known that Jack Benny celebrated his thirty-ninth
birthday every year. When Benny died in 1974, he had turned thirty-nine a total
of forty-one times.
The question is why 39? If he wanted to be in denial about
his age, why not choose 29 or 34?
The Mishna (Avos 5:21) tells us the significance of forty
years old as being the age of wisdom.
At the end of their forty-year sojourn in the desert, Moshe
tells B’nai Yisroel, “G-d did not grant you a heart of knowledge, and eyes that
see, and ears that hear until this day” (Devorim 29:3). The gemara (Avoda Zara
5b) understands from this verse that a person doesn’t fully grasp the depth of
the lessons of his rebbe until forty years have elapsed.
Some commentaries explain that the arduous experiences of
daily living help a person view life from a different perspective and vantage
point. That allows him to understand the depth of the lessons his teachers
sought to convey to him decades earlier, which in his callowness he may not
have grasped, or was convinced that he knew better.
It seems that forty years old is a dividing line between
adult youth and adult-adulthood. Often, we are too jaded or biased to properly
contemplate the messages of life or to think about our mortality and the legacy
we wish to leave behind. Turning forty seems to do wonders in helping cure
those youthful illusions of immortality. 
I think hitting 40 also gives you permission to drone on and
on to the younger generation about how things were different back when you were
a kid, and how kids today have no respect.

Added responsibility and wisdom are intimidating
and anxiety provoking. No wonder Peter Pan never wanted to grow up. And no
wonder Jack Benny never wanted to hit the big 4-0.

Meanwhile I’m going to enjoy my last year below
the summit, but I do look forward to becoming wise.
I should conclude by noting that Uncle Yitz is, and has
always been, wise beyond his years and has always been an inspiration to all of
us. No one can quite tell a story or a joke like he does. He is the true
personification of the word avuncular. It’s just so sad that he turned all
white before forty.
Hashem should grant him many more wonderful and healthy
thirty-eight-years-old years.
Chodesh Tov & Good Chodesh
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
R’ Dani and Chani Staum       

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