Striving Higher


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Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Shoftim – Pirkei Avos, perek
6 Elul 5772/August
25, 2012
Siyum Hashas at Metlife stadium three weeks ago generated a great deal
of worthy discussion and deserved fascination. Also, like everything
else, by now its discussion has begun to fade, as new occurrences warrant
our attention.
I feel that the profundity of the experience can only be appreciated
after the fact. It was a privilege and a merit to be part of the event,
but even more than that night itself, looking back and reviewing it
in my mind garners new appreciation each time I think about it. It’s
analogous to one’s wedding which passes all too soon and can hardly
be appreciated in the moment. But the memories of the event cause a
surge of nostalgic joy to the choson, kallah, and their families perpetually.       
of the greatest aspects of the Siyum for me, even beyond the diversified
yet unified crowd, and even beyond the inspiration of hearing some of
the greatest Torah leaders of our time, was the moments of silence.
Stadiums by definition are created to be arenas of noise and fanfare.
The cries and ovations of the throngs of crowds who seek emotional outlets
and entertainment are commonplace during such events. The mere murmurs
of tens of thousands of people, even without raucous cheering, itself
lends to a high level of noise.
on the night of the Siyum there were moments of almost absolute silence.
The entering crowds, despite constant rain, long lines for parking and
security checks, was emotionally charged and excited. Yet as soon as
kaddish was said following ashrei during Mincha a hush descended on
the burgeoning crowd. The stadium was silent.
later, after impassioned speeches, vivacious dancing, and energized
camaraderie, when it came time for Shemoneh Esrei during Maariv, again
a hush descended upon the stadium, as the remaining tens of thousands
swayed gently in the stands in silent concentration.
addition, each time one of our great Torah leaders arose to speak, instantly
the 92,000 strong rose to their feet and, for a few moments, the packed
stadium was utterly silent.
me those moments of silence spoke more volumes than all of the clapping
and responses throughout that august evening. That silence symbolized
the respect and reverence we maintain for the Torah and for what we
were celebrating.
that stadium, and in all sports stadiums, victory celebrations are conducted
by the victors with open bottles of champagne being exploded in all
directions, along with whopping and jovial shouting. There is no silence
during those moments. Suffice it to say that our celebrations are vastly
different. While the celebration may not be silent, it incorporates
a sense of reverence for its accomplishment. 
The great Siyum included not only many powerful and inspirational words
but also very powerful and inspirational silence. That silence is something
we need to capture in our noisy busy world. It is a silence which allows
us to think about the blessings we have, the greatness of our accomplishments,
and our responsibilities towards the future.
need to hear that silence, especially in Elul, as we prepare for a new
year of blessing and growth!
Shalom & Good Shabbos,
   R’ Dani and
Chani Staum
• New Hempstead, NY 10977 • (845) 362-2425

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