Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Shemini-
19 Adar II 5774/March 21, 2014
T’was the night after Shushan
Purim, and as I was putting one of our children (who shall remain nameless for
the sake of anonymity) into his bed, the sound of scrunching and crunching
could be heard. I moved away his blanket to discover a pile of his ‘loot’ from
Purim – candies, nosh, and a few dollars. When I asked him what all of it was,
he replied matter-of-factly that it was his stuff from Purim. “Mommy said we had
to put it away in a good place, so I did!”
The holiday of Purim is beyond
compare. The gaiety, laughter, and general celebration is without parallel. But
it passes all too quickly.
Haman, the Purim antagonist,
was no fool. In order to ensure that his nefarious plans would come to
fruition, he wanted to frighten the Jews, and cause them to be struck with such
terror and panic that they would become paralyzed and unable to mobilize. The
Megillah (9:24) clearly states that the purpose of the Purim (lots) which Haman
cast was “to frighten them and to annihilate them.”  In addition, in the lyrical song of Purim –
Shoshanas Yaakov, we refer to Zeresh as ‘the wife of one who terrified me’.
However, Haman’s efforts failed. The Jews rallied around their leaders
Mordecahi and Esther, and despite their fear, recommitted themselves to G-d and
achieved an unprecedented wave of repentance and reacceptance of Torah.
In the end, it was Haman who
was destroyed through his own tactic. There was no one who knew how to
sweet-talk and convince anyone of anything better than Haman (move over lawyer
jokes). At the same time there was no greater sucker for Haman’s verbal
manipulation than Achashveirosh, as is evident throughout the beginning of the
Purim story. So how did Haman end up on the gallows?
From the moment when he was
instructed to parade his nemesis through the streets of Shushan until he was on
the gallows, Haman didn’t have a moment to contemplate and rationalize about
what was happening. Things take place at such a feverish pace, that the master
manipulator couldn’t so much as catch his breath and formulate a response.
After his family waste was dumped on his head during the parade, the humiliated
Haman was hoisted off to the second party, where he was immediately exposed as
the villain by Queen Esther. The king stormed off in a rage to calm himself
down, but returned moments later even angrier, only to find Haman attacking the
queen (or so he thought). Haman was immediately condemned, and the verse states
(7:6) “Haman trembled in terror before the king and queen.” In another moment
Charvona stuck the proverbial nail in the coffin! The suave and urbane Haman
had been destroyed with his own approach! 
However, the deposed and
disposed Haman has left his mark upon the holiday he unwittingly created. The
fleeting holiday seems to become a cloud of business, a mad rush to deliver
shalach manos, and to get to where we need to be. Purim becomes a race against
time, with the stress of traffic only adding to the pressure.
Part of the greatness of Purim
is that the focus of the day pulls us in so many directions. Vertically the day
reignites our connection with G-d by training us to recognize His hidden Hand
in nature. Horizontally the days builds our camaraderie and love for each other
like no other time of year. Inwardly it helps remind us of how lucky we are to
be Torah Jews. So much to accomplish in so little time – no wonder we feel
When Purim ends, aside for
finding place for all of the physical loot we have amassed (and have to get rid
of within the next thirty days) we need to find a way to hold onto the
incredible spiritual light of Purim, so that it leaves an indelible impression
upon our souls for the entire year.
               Shabbat Shalom &
Good Shabbos,
               R’ Dani and Chani Staum


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