Striving Higher

Parshas Re’eh 5782



Erev Shabbos
Kodesh parshas Re’eh-Rosh Chodesh Elul

29 Menachem Av 5782/August
26, 2022

 Avos perek 5


It’s usually around the beginning of
August when the signs appear in convenience stores: “Back to School”. It’s an
advertisement encouraging you to purchase all your school supplies in their

My children always groan when they
see it. “It’s the middle of the summer. Why do we have to see the dreaded “s”
word? Camp is barely half way done. Do we really have to start thinking about
pencils, books, and angry teacher’s looks?”

But fair is fair. Because at the end
of May, there are signs advertising summer supplies as well. It may also be
time for school finals, but the warmth of summer can already be felt. In this
country, when Thanksgiving is over, and often even beforehand, they start
advertising for the holiday season. After Presidents’ Day, there are
advertisements for the upcoming spring.

The annual advertising is a reminder
that you can’t wake up the day of and think you’ll be ready. You have to
prepare in advance and get the needed materials beforehand.

Each of our children, received a list
of necessary school supplies. Most of those lists are quite specific, including
a specific size binder, certain types of pencils and/or pens, and notebooks.
They also require certain seforim from specific publishers. Generally, the
common denominator between all the required materials is that they are
different than what we have in the house from an older sibling or a previous

We do our best to ensure that our
children have what they need. There’s a certain excitement they feel when they
feel prepared to tackle the new schoolyear with bulging knapsacks containing
their materials.

My rebbe, Rabbi Berel Wein, recently
published a relatively short sefer in English about the special Mussaf Shemoneh
Esrei of Rosh Hashanah.

When discussing the book, Rabbi Wein
related an anecdote that served as his inspiration to write the book:

In 2005, Professor Robert Aumann was
awarded the Nobel Prize for economics. Professor Aumann, a proud religious Jew,
is a friend and congregant of Rabbi Wein.

Sometime after being awarded the
prize, the professor recounted to Rabbi Wein the multi-day events surrounding
his receiving the prize. The program included appearing before the King of
Sweden. There was a dress rehearsal beforehand about how to properly appear
before the king. One does not simply appear before the king. There’s protocol
of how to walk, talk, and present oneself before the king. He had to rehearse
it until he had it down pat, so it would seem natural when he actually stood
before the king.

Rabbi Wein notes that we all stand
before the King on Rosh Hashanah. We have a list of things we want that only
the King can grant us. The prayers in the Machzor are beautiful and the ancient
tunes are familiar to us. Yet, we often present ourselves in a haphazard
manner, without rehearsal or prior preparation.

Rabbi Wein explained that he wrote
his commentary to address that issue, so that when the reader davens on Rosh
Hashanah, he can have some familiarity and understanding of the lofty prayers.

The month of Elul is the dedicated
time to prepare for the great days of mercy and forgiveness of the days from
Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur.

A person puts on a bathing suit
before he goes for a swim.

A person packs his suitcase before he
leaves on a trip.

A person prepares a speech before
delivering it to an audience.

A person plans a project before he

In the same vein, a person needs to
prepare during the days of Elul for the great spiritual journey he is embarking
on. The challenge is that most of us feel unsure how to prepare. What do we
need for this journey?

The answer has to do with where we
want our journey to take us. What positive changes would we like to work
towards this year? Once we’ve established that, we can take one small step in
that direction and begin, or continue, the never-completed journey of spiritual

Not sure yet to where your destination
should be yet? Have no fear; that’s what Elul is for. It’s a month of spiritual
and emotional planning and packing, for what will undoubtedly be the greatest
journey of the year.


Chodesh Tov & Good Chodesh

Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,

            R’ Dani and Chani Staum       



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