Striving Higher

Parshas Pekudei



Erev Shabbos Kodesh parshas Pekudei

1 Adar II 5782/March 4, 2022

Rosh Chodesh Adar II


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לזכר נשמת חו”מ נטע
יצחק בן אלכסנדר


            When I
was a child, hanging in our home was a needlepoint my mother made that had a
picture of a house, and underneath the words, “Home is where your ❤️ is 🐞”.

            I had
seen it a million times but never realized what it was really saying. Until one
day I asked my parents what it means that “home is where your is”. After they laughed,
they explained that the heart symbol was supposed to be read as if it said
“home is where your heart is.” I replied by asking what does it mean “hope is
where your heart is buggy”? They laughed again and explained that the little
buggy was just there for design and wasn’t meant to be read, unlike the heart
which was meant to be read.

that, “home is where your is” became a family joke, and a story my parents love
to tell over.

            We all
have moments in life when we fail to recognize the deeper meanings of things
around us. Sometimes it can be a seemingly nonchalant comment or gesture that
has much deeper significance and meaning than realized.

            As a
therapist, we are trained to try to be in tune and to recognize such nuances. We
to try to interpret and externalize the hidden subtle, often subconscious,

            I would
venture to say that regarding many religious matters we fail to recognize the
deeper subtleties and meanings behind our rituals and customs. Perhaps there is
no greater time of year when we miss the nuances and depth than during the
holiday of Purim.

            I often
ask my students who they think wears the best costume on Purim. After they
excitedly suggest their nominations, I tell them that in my opinion – which
incidentally is always correct – no one wears a better costume than the holiday
of Purim itself!

masquerades as a simple day of fun and gaiety. While it’s unquestionably a day
to enjoy on all levels, we shouldn’t miss out on the deeper meanings and
lessons of the day.

worth taking a few moments to contemplate some of the less recognized, yet
vital, messages of this beloved and joyous holiday. Although each idea requires
its own individual focus, we will briefly list some of those timeless ideas:

o   Purim is a celebration of Kabbolas
HaTorah. The gemara relates that although there was a modicum of coercion at
the time of Kabbolas HaTorah at Sinai, at the time of the Purim miracle, the
nation joyously and unequivocally reaccepted and rededicated themselves to

o   Purim marks the victory of good
middos (character traits) over bad middos. Achashveirosh was driven by
paranoia, lust, greed, and power. Haman was consumed with hate, hubris, and
pursuit of glory and power. Their evil plans were thwarted by Mordechai and
Esther who personified love, devotion, selflessness, faith and humility. It’s
truly a story of good guys beating the bad guys.


o   The focus of Purim is horizontal as
well as vertical. The story of the Megillah reminds us that Hashem runs every
facet of our lives. We give shalach manos to build our connection and
friendship with our peers, neighbors and friends. We also give matanos laevyonim
to those lacking and underprivileged. Finally, at the seudah we reach a
state of inner and outer joy, rejoicing in who we are and accepting that we are
beloved and special.

o   It’s not always realized that the
immediate consequence of the Purim miracle was the rebuilding of the second
Bais Hamikdash. When Achashveirosh came to power, he immediately stopped the recently
begun reconstruction of the Bais Hamikdash. After his death, his son and
successor, Darius II, commissioned the recommencement and completion of the rebuilding.

Purim serves as a chizuk for us that we too will soon
merit geulah and the ultimate rebuilding of the Bais Hamikdash, even if now
it’s impossible to see how.

o   Purim is an incredible day of
tefillah. Purim begins with Ta’anis Esther to remind us that the miracle was
the result of our prayers during that desperate time. Seforim reveal that on
Purim the gates of prayer are wide open, and prayers can accomplish incredible

o   Appreciate the blessings of life,
health and family while we have them. Haman’s evil decree instantly turned over
the world for the Jews. His undoing and destruction were equally quick and

In life, things can change so quickly. Don’t take anyone
or anything for granted.

o   Perhaps most poignantly: Never ever
give up! At the time of the Megillah, the Jewish situation was worse than
bleak. They had no one to turn to and nowhere to run. Despite the hopelessness
of the situation, they maintained a sense of hope and persevered.


            Purim reminds
us to peel back layers and see beyond the surface. In a superficial society
that message is invaluable. On Purim we recognize that there are many masks
hiding the truth, most prominently the truth of the divine Hand orchestrating
every facet of the world and our lives.

            Home is
unquestionably where your is. It’s up to us to decide what symbolism we insert


Shalom & Good Shabbos,

            R’ Dani and Chani Staum       

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