Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh parshas Ki Savo
Elul 5779/September 20, 2019 – Avos perakim 3-4
               The month of June is a
busy time for the Staum family, as we prepare to migrate to Camp Dora Golding
in East Stroudsburg, PA for the summer.
              This year,
the day before our family was going to head up to camp, I was driving to a
wedding on Route 287 (incidentally, the same highway I was to drive on the next
day, to head to camp). At one point, as I began driving uphill, I suddenly realized
that my car wasn’t accelerating. Although I was pressing down on the pedal, the
speedometer was slowly shifting left as I lost speed. It was quite obvious that
there was something seriously wrong with the car. Every time there was an
upward incline, I had to shift into the right lane where I received dirty looks
from fellow drivers who weren’t happy that they had to go around the slowpoke
on the highway. Thankfully, despite some frazzled nerves, I was able to make it
to the wedding and back home.
definitely didn’t make things easier that in between packing and loading up, I
had to drop off the car at the dealer and pick up a loaner car. It also didn’t
help that a week later when Chani drove the loaner car back from camp to the
dealer near Monsey, and picked up my car, it didn’t take long before she
realized the car wasn’t properly fixed. The car still didn’t accelerate
properly. She quickly turned around and brought the car back. But in the
interim, someone else had taken the loaner car, and they had no other loaner
cars available. Moving our twins’ car seats from the loaner to my car and then
back into another loaner (which thankfully then became available) in over ninety-degree
heat only made it more difficult.
my car was indeed fixed, and we came in a second time to return the loaner and
retrieve my car.
              I told my
students on the first day of school this year that my car experience was a
great symbolism of an important truism in life. The roads of life are
circuitous and constantly shifting. In order to constantly grow and became
greater people we must be ready to invest added energy to traverse the steep
inclines of life. If we don’t have that extra push, not only will we not be
able to make it up the hill, but we will lose momentum and start shifting

Every year is a new opportunity for growth, but
growth is only borne from struggle and perseverance.

from the need to be able to ascend, there is an additional challenge we
encounter along the road of growth.
              Almost every
night, my phone tells me how long it will take me to get home from wherever I
am. I get a kick out of the fact that for weeks after camp, my phone is still
telling me how to get back to camp, which it still thinks is home (and they
call it a ‘smart’ phone…) So if I’m around the corner from my house, my phone
will tell me it’ll take an hour and forty minutes to get home to East
Stroudsburg, PA.
              On some
level, that is the challenge of teshuva. We get very comfortable with our daily
routines and don’t like altering them. Our society pays homage to convenience
and comfort. It is the god we all worship; no one likes to feel discomfort. So
making changes, even positive changes that will ultimately make us feel more
fulfilled and elevated, are very hard for us. Even on occasions when we may
have ‘moved’ spiritually, our lethargic selves still naturally slink back to
our old routine spiritual addresses.
              The wise
person realizes that eventually the changes he effects in his life will become
his new reality and he will adjust to his new and improved way of life.
              In a
sense, the camp season only came to an end this week, because only now has my
phone finally come to the realization that home is 3 Landau Lane in Spring
Valley, NY.

During this season when we try to effect lasting
change, we need to remember the uncomfortable unfamiliarity will pass.
              In a sense
it’s like buying new shoes. It may be exciting to wear them, but it’s often
also uncomfortable because they aren’t yet properly adapted to your foot. But
that all changes within a few days.
we will all have the necessary energy and vitality to climb the beautiful,
scenic and elevating spiritual mountains that we are set to encounter during
the coming weeks. Then, when we ascend, we should be able to comfortably adapt
to our new reality – a new self that is stronger and better than ever before.
beautiful, healthy, and sweet new year to all.
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
R’ Dani and Chani Staum       

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