Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh
parshas Kedoshim
            5 Iyar 5779/May 10, 2019
Avos perek 2 – 20th
day of the Omer
There’s a classic story about two beggars – one Jewish, the
other non-Jewish – who would make their rounds begging together.
One night they were sitting on a bench commiserating about
how hungry they always were. The Jewish beggar then told his companion that at
least the following week, on the night of the Pesach Seder, they would have a
good meal. The non-Jewish beggar countered that he would never be invited to a
Seder. The Jewish beggar reassured him that if he put on a kippah and imitated
whatever everyone else did, no one would realize he wasn’t Jewish, and he would
eat like a king.

On the first night of Pesach, they went to shul,
and indeed, after davening were invited to different homes.
The non-Jew blended in as best he could, by watching and
imitating whatever everyone else was doing. When they raised their cups to
recite kiddush, he raised his cup and pretended to mumble along. He really
enjoyed the cup of wine. He followed the family to wash his hands, as he
excitedly waited for a fresh piece of homemade challah. To his dismay, he was
given a minuscule piece of salty parsley. But then it got worse. The family
settled into their seats and began to talk and talk and talk.
The non-Jew’s stomach growled loudly as he waited impatiently
for the meal.

After what seemed like an eternity, they finally
drank another cup of wine, and then washed their hands again. The non-Jew
almost choked on the big piece of hard cardboard they gave him to eat.

Then he was given a small piece of a white
vegetable. But by now, the beggar had had enough. In his famished state, he
grabbed the whole white carrot and took a huge bite out of it. Within seconds,
he was gasping for air, with steam coming out of his ears and nostrils. The
family rushed to get him a cup of water, but he stood up and began screaming
deliriously, “Okay! You got me! I’ll admit it! I’m not Jewish!” And with that
he ran out the front door, leaving behind the shocked family.
The miserable non-Jew made his way back to their bench,
morbid as ever. A couple of hours later, his Jewish buddy hobbled down the
street. He plopped himself down on the bench and patted his stomach. He didn’t
even notice the non-Jew’s dour expression as he asked him, “wasn’t that the
greatest meal you ever had?” 
The non-Jew looked at him angrily, “why did you set me up
like that? That was a dirty prank; I’ve never been hungrier in my life.” The Jew
looked at him in shock and told the non-Jew to recount exactly what happened.
When the Jew heard the whole story, he broke out into gregarious laughter. “You
foolish person! If you had waited another three minutes you would have eaten
the meal of your life. But in your impatience, you ran out and never had the
chance to enjoy the amazing meal that was about to be served.”
I thought of that story today because of the following
When I’m driving and there’s a Yankees game happening, I
often listen to the broadcast. Last night as I drove carpool, we were listening
to the game on the radio.
When I arrived home, the Yankees were trailing 2-1 to the
Seattle Mariners in the seventh inning. But the game had just been postponed
because of a rain delay.
Just before I headed up to sleep, I checked the score and
heard that it was 4-1 Mariners in the top of the ninth. Oh well, there goes
This morning I was curious to hear how badly the Yankees were
beaten. When I checked the score, I was pleasantly surprised to I hear that the
Yankees won 5-4, after hitting a home run and a walk-off single in the bottom
of the ninth.
Then I remembered that a student had posted a picture of
himself standing in front of Yankees Stadium the night before. When I saw him
in yeshiva this morning, I asked him if he was at the game. He replied that he
and another student were indeed there and that it was a great game.

When I asked him about the walk-off, and what
the energy was like in the stadium, he sheepishly replied that they left in the
eighth inning to beat the traffic! They had stayed throughout the entire rain
delay, but when the Mariners scored two runs in the eighth, they headed for the
exits with most of the crowd.
I used this anecdote to remind my students (and myself) that
to accomplish anything worthwhile in life, and to be successful generally, we
have to have patience. When things are tough, we are quick to despair that
things will ever get better.
It’s hard to maintain one’s sense of hope when things seem
bleak. Often there won’t be a stunning comeback in the bottom of the ninth, and
there will be difficult and painful losses. But if we head for the exits to
beat the traffic and avoid the minor frustrations because we feel like it’s
just not worth it anymore, then we will definitely not be there for the
walk-off moments of resilience and growth.
There is always going to be times of marror in our lives. But
we have to continue to wait and daven for the incredible seudah that is to
And that seudah can only happen after the marror has been
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
R’ Dani and Chani Staum       

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