Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Emor–
Pirkei Avos – perek 4
19 Iyar 5772/May 11, 2012 (34th
day of the Omer)
One morning a number of weeks ago
I had one of the experiences every homeowner dreads – water on the carpet in
the basement. I was on my way out to learn before Shachris and at that point it
was only a small puddle of water, so I hoped it wouldn’t get too much worse
until I came home. When I arrived home two hours later however, I realized that
we had a serious situation. The carpet was soaking up water quickly, and the
boiler room floor was flooded.
Our plumber was kind enough to
rush over. He surveyed the situation and immediately told us his grim prognosis
– our boiler was kaput! He shut the water and drained the now defunct tank. He
then discussed with us our options for purchasing a new tank based on size and
price. Now I know not to take hot water for granted.
After the new hot water heater
was installed, we still had to contend with the water damage. We borrowed a
wet-vac to vacuum the running water, a commercial humidifier to draw the water out
of the carpet, and a plug-in air freshener to combat the musty smell.
Considering how much worse it could have been we were lucky. We caught the
problem almost immediately before the whole basement became flooded.  
A few nights ago, our area was
hit with the first thunderstorm of the season. Replete with thunder and
lightning, soaking rains drenched the area overnight. The following afternoon
when I walked outside into the sunlight, I had a newfound appreciation for the
miraculous process of absorption. Not only did it not smell moldy and damp, the
ground was completely dry, and the warm afternoon air was fresh and pleasant.
It’s an interesting thought. Any
minimal amount of water inside my house was damaging and unwanted, while
pouring rains outside was a beneficial blessing with hardly a trace remaining a
few sun-filled hours later. The difference is simple. The carpet and floor in
the basement cannot absorb the water, while the ground outside can. The rain naturally
seeps into the earth nourishing trees, flowers, plants, animals, and ultimately,
Chazal (Shabbos 88b) say that one
who bites his tongue, restraining himself from responding to insults is
analogous to the life-giving rays of the sun at its zenith. When one trains himself
to ‘absorb’ insulting and acerbic comments without responding, he not only
builds himself, but he helps nourish his relationships. But one who refuses to
allow any negative comment to ‘slide’, causes his relationships to become
flooded with negativity, making the cleanup process all the more difficult.  
One of our tasks during these
days of sefirah is to train ourselves to absorb. It makes it easier if we
remember that it is the water the ground absorbs which enables the beautiful trees
and flowers to grow above it.
Shalom & Good Shabbos,
    R’ Dani and Chani Staum

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