Erev Shabbos
Kodesh parshas Eikev
22 Menachem Av 5782/August
19, 2022
Avos perek 4
Part of the beauty of Camp Dora
Golding’s learning program is that many of the prizes are sponsored by alumni –
former campers and staff members. They have wonderfully fond memories of
summers spent in camp years ago and want to give current campers the opportunity
to have the same experience.
Camp also has a wonderful alumni
association, spearheaded by R’ Avromi Mostofsky, maintaining a connection with,
literally, generations of former campers of Camp Dora Golding. Many of those
alumni are today grandparents and even great-grandparents.
Every Friday during the camp season,
a sign is posted in the back of the camp shul, listing the names of the camp
alumni or friends sponsored that week’s voluntary learning in the shul.[1] I
often recognize some of the names of the donors, whom I remember from camp a
few summers ago.
One Friday, a few weeks ago, I saw
that the learning was being sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Allen Komet. The name
rang a bell. I remembered that Alan Komet was the name of my counselor in Camp
Dora Golding during the summer of 1991. Alan was a great counselor, and I was
very fond of him. He lived in Fairlawn, NJ, a half-hour from Monsey. I also
remembered that a few weeks after the summer, Alan came to my home and picked
me up, along with another camper, and we went out to eat at Deli-N-More, a
fast-food restaurant in Monsey at the time.
I asked Avromi to please contact Mr.
Komet to find out if he was my former counselor. Avromi inquired and replied
that indeed he was. We have since reconnected through the magic of WhatsApp.
It’s amazing that even now, over 30 years later, my memories of my counselor
from over thirty years ago, are warm and fresh in my mind.
I should add that, my father was a
counselor and division head at Camp Magen Av. Over the years different people
have commented to me that my father left a tremendous impression on them and
had a lasting positive impact on their lives from their summers spent at Camp
For a number of years, Camp Dora
Golding was graced with the presence of Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman. After being
the division head of the oldest divisions for a few years, Rabbi Finkelman was
the mashgiach of camp. Basically, he would inspire everyone through his
speeches, personal conversations and through his sterling example.
Rabbi Finkelman would relate to us
that when he was a counselor in Camp Torah Voda’as, his head counselor, Rabbi
Nosson Sherman, quipped that his job was to act meshugeh (loosely translated
as lively and excitedly) for 21 hours of the day so that his campers will learn
during the 3 hours (of learning groups).
Rabbi Finkelman also related that one
year, prior to the summer, he brought his staff to the Skulener Rebbe, the
Chesed L’Avrohom. The rebbe told the counselors that they have to recognize the
incredible influence they can have on their campers. Many children cannot
relate to a rebbe in yeshiva because they feel the rebbe is out of their league
and is too holy and spiritual. But a counselor who is more relatable to them
yet acts as a ben Torah and is careful to attend minyanim, davens like a
mentch, and has fine middos, can leave a far greater and more lasting
impression on their campers.
Rabbi Finkelman would add that the
same is true for every staff position in camp. There are always campers who
dream of being a lifeguard, maintenance director, waiter, or night activity
director. One never knows who is looking up to him. When a camper sees that the
staff member who holds the position he aspires for conducts himself as a ben
Torah, it will leave an indelible impression on him.
Rabbi Finkelman also related that
when he was 19 years old, he wanted to be a learning rebbe in camp, like most
of his friends. But his rebbe, Rabbi Moshe Wolfson, told him that he had to be
a counselor. Rabbi Finkelman reasoned that being a rebbe would afford him more
time for personal learning and growth. But Rabbi Wolfson replied that campers
look up to someone who can write songs and act in plays, like Rabbi Finkelman
could. Rabbi Wolfson explained that we want campers to look up to proper role
models, who can show them a good time and yet be proud b’nei Torah.
Another aspect of the greatness of
camp is that it affords campers and staff members the opportunity to shine in
ways they cannot shine in school. They may have dormant talents that they were
never able to tap into, including acting and drama, crafts, painting, etc.
Someone who feels largely unsuccessful throughout the year, can shine in camp.
That’s part of the reason why there are so many tears on the final day of camp.
For the last two summers, I have had
the pleasure of working alongside a former camper of mine, Rabbi Danny
Konigsberg. Rabbi Konigsberg, our talented assistant head counselor, was my camper
for two summers in Camp Dora Golding over two decades ago. He often unabashedly
tells the campers how much camp impacted his life as well.
Anyone who hasn’t experienced camp
will have a hard time relating to its magic, greatness, and importance. I am
very much aware of how much camp, and the great people there, have impacted my
life on so many levels.
Now, as we prepare to return to the
“real world” as another wonderful camp season draws to a close, it’s gratifying
to think how many lives were positively impacted over the last two months. Of
course, everyone comes to camp to have fun. But the secret is, that during that
fun, without realizing it, there are permanent positive changes and
inspirations taking place that will last a lifetime.
If you don’t believe me, just ask
anyone who attended camp, even decades ago. I’m willing to bet they can still
sing the alma mater from the end of color war. Chances are, they already began
humming it.
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
R’ Dani and Chani Staum
[1] There’s a half-hour of voluntary
learning before Kabbolas Shabbos and three hours of voluntary learning on
Shabbos afternoon. Well over 80% of the campers, hundreds of campers, attend.
So, it’s no small zechus…