Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Chukas –Avos Perek 5
9 Tamuz 5778/June 22,
It’s the last thing any driver wants to see in their rear-view
mirror. Yes, blue lives matter, but we don’t want to see a cop driving right
behind us. I had the delightful experience a few weeks ago, when I was on my
way home from a meeting one erev Shabbos.
The strange thing was that I was in the right lane and going
beneath the speed limit. My mechanic had just told me that some of my tires were
worn out. I had ordered new ones and they had arrived at my mechanic that day.
I was planning to go to the mechanic on Sunday, so in the meanwhile I was
driving extra cautiously. There was no way the cop could see that there was
anything wrong with my tires on the highway. So I kept racking my brain trying
to figure out what he could have gotten me on. My seat belt was closed, my
break light was working etc.
I pledged some money to tzedaka if he somehow wouldn’t pull
me over. For what felt like forever he kept following me, without turning on
his lights and sirens. It was maddening; I felt that if he was going to pull me
over, let him just do it already. Finally, I slowed down considerably, at which
point the cop switched lanes and zoomed past me.
It was an annoying and frustrating experience, but one which
was quickly forgotten, save for including it in this brilliant article.
I once heard an educator note that there are children who
feel similarly about their parents, or at least one parent. An adolescent
described that he lives his life every day wondering what his father is going
to yell at him for next. He is always looking in his proverbial rear-view
mirror anticipating the next criticism and harsh rebuke.
Parenting requires that parents rebuke their children on
occasion when necessary. A parent needs to set boundaries and impose healthy
limitations upon his/her child. Yet a parent cannot be an authoritarian either.
A child cannot be made to feel that everything he does is subject to criticism.

What’s perhaps even more deleterious is when
children (and adults!) maintain this perspective about how Hashem views and
relates to them. Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky relates that an adolescent once told him
that he perceives Hashem as being an “angry face” hovering in the sky, waiting
for him to mess up so he can punish us for our misdeeds. What an awful and
false perspective!
Part of emunah entails believing that Hashem loves us,
despite our failings. On the one hand, one must know that there is indeed a
reckoning and one is responsible for all of his actions in this world. However,
one must also understand well that the judge is also his loving divine father
who wants and awaits his success and growth.
This perspective is especially vital to understand as we head
towards the three weeks of mourning for all the tragedies throughout the exile,
and primarily for the destruction of the two Batei Mikdash.
“Like a father disciplines his son, Hashem, your G-d,
disciplines you.” (Devorim 8:5) 

For any growth and healthy connection to Torah
and Judaism to occur, one must understand this concept, constantly remind
himself of it and deepen his understanding of it. It’s something we don’t hear
or say enough – Hashem loves us and believes in us, and that love never changes
or fades. It’s the same concept that a child needs to know about his
relationship with his parents. He can anger them and frustrate them, but he can
never get them to stop loving him!
If only we could have the same level of emunah in ourselves
that Hashem has in us!
Shalom & Good Shabbos,
              R’ Dani and Chani Staum     

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