Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Chukas
Parshas Chukas
6 Tamuz 5777/ June 30,
2017 – Avos Perek 5
2017 – Avos Perek 5
This week, the Staum family has made its annual pilgrimage to
East Stroudsburg, PA, to our summer home at Camp Dora Golding.
East Stroudsburg, PA, to our summer home at Camp Dora Golding.
When making the announcements after davening last Shabbos,
our shul President, R’ Yossi Goldman, quipped: “Some people send their children
off to camp; we send our Rabbi off to camp!”
our shul President, R’ Yossi Goldman, quipped: “Some people send their children
off to camp; we send our Rabbi off to camp!”
If I counted correctly – which, to be honest, would be
unusual for me – I am now beginning my twenty-fifth summer at Camp Dora
Golding. This includes years as a camper, masmid, Junior Counselor, Counselor,
Rebbe, Head Waiter, and, my current position for the last decade, as a Division
unusual for me – I am now beginning my twenty-fifth summer at Camp Dora
Golding. This includes years as a camper, masmid, Junior Counselor, Counselor,
Rebbe, Head Waiter, and, my current position for the last decade, as a Division
Camp has grown in many ways during that time. The grounds are
stunning, and b’h the camp is at capacity. But the ruach and excitement of
camp has not changed in all the years.
stunning, and b’h the camp is at capacity. But the ruach and excitement of
camp has not changed in all the years.
Working as part of the camp administration is not always
easy. However, it is always a gratifying and wonderful experience, which our
family feels very blessed to enjoy and to be part of.
easy. However, it is always a gratifying and wonderful experience, which our
family feels very blessed to enjoy and to be part of.
Each summer, for two days prior to the arrival of the campers
on opening day, there is “staff orientation”. Staff members arrive a couple of
days before the campers, for a mini ‘training’ of expectations and protocols,
to help the summer go as smoothly as possible.
on opening day, there is “staff orientation”. Staff members arrive a couple of
days before the campers, for a mini ‘training’ of expectations and protocols,
to help the summer go as smoothly as possible.
One of the salient points mentioned during orientation each
summer, is that every staff member must realize that there are campers looking
up to him, aspiring to do his job, and to be like him one day. The staff member
may only find out about it years later, or he may likely never know about it.
But the influence remains.
summer, is that every staff member must realize that there are campers looking
up to him, aspiring to do his job, and to be like him one day. The staff member
may only find out about it years later, or he may likely never know about it.
But the influence remains.
If being a role model necessitates behaving accordingly, it
remains true even if the person being looked up to feels he is not worthy of
that image. If others may likely imitate his behavior, the fact that he
personally feels unworthy of that admiration is irrelevant. Regardless of his current
level, he has a responsibility to try to act the part.
remains true even if the person being looked up to feels he is not worthy of
that image. If others may likely imitate his behavior, the fact that he
personally feels unworthy of that admiration is irrelevant. Regardless of his current
level, he has a responsibility to try to act the part.
Sadly, there have been numerous sports icons and celebrities
who have acted inappropriately on occasion. When asked how they could behave in
such a crass and immature manner when so many youngsters look up to them, their
inane response was, “I never asked to be a role model”.
who have acted inappropriately on occasion. When asked how they could behave in
such a crass and immature manner when so many youngsters look up to them, their
inane response was, “I never asked to be a role model”.
Being a role model is not a matter of choice, it’s a matter
of responsibility! If there is even a chance that others may be imitating us,
we have a responsibility to do our utmost to fulfill that role appropriately.
of responsibility! If there is even a chance that others may be imitating us,
we have a responsibility to do our utmost to fulfill that role appropriately.
Each morning in shachris, just prior to Shema, we daven that
Hashem grant us wisdom “to learn and to teach, to safeguard and to perform, and
to fulfill all the words of Your Torah with love.”
Hashem grant us wisdom “to learn and to teach, to safeguard and to perform, and
to fulfill all the words of Your Torah with love.”
Reb Moshe Feinstein zt”l questioned why this prayer is
recited by everyone. Most people are not teachers, so why should they pray for
the ability to teach with love?
recited by everyone. Most people are not teachers, so why should they pray for
the ability to teach with love?
Reb Moshe explained that no matter what capacity one has,
every person is a teacher. Others view our behavior and learn from what we say
and do, whether we realize it or not.
every person is a teacher. Others view our behavior and learn from what we say
and do, whether we realize it or not.
In that sense, we are all teachers and, therefore, have a
responsibility to act accordingly.
responsibility to act accordingly.
It’s an idea that is not only applicable to staff
members working in summer camp. We can never know the effect and influence our
behavior has on others. And that means that we have a responsibility to do the
best we can, if not for ourselves, then for those who may be influenced by our
members working in summer camp. We can never know the effect and influence our
behavior has on others. And that means that we have a responsibility to do the
best we can, if not for ourselves, then for those who may be influenced by our
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
R’ Dani and Chani Staum