Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Bo
7 Shevat 5777/ February
3, 2017
The Beipanjiang
Bridge, suspended 1,854 feet above the Nizhu river in southwest China, is currently
the highest bridge in the world. The $150 million crossing links the provinces
of Yunnan and Guizhou, and has cut travel time by about three hours.
Those of us who
live in Rockland or Westchester County, are very familiar with news about
bridges, watching the continuing construction of the new Tappan Zee Bridge,
above the Hudson River. The bridge is set to be completed in 2018, costing an
estimated $4.5 billion. A thousand steel pipes have been installed into the
river to support the foundation of the bridges, and there are hundreds of
workers involved in the massive construction project. It is an incredible feat
of human engineering.
Why are bridges
so important? Because they allow us to connect two otherwise disparate and
disconnected components. In sophisticated lexicon, we can say that a bridge
allows us to traverse an otherwise impassable terrain. In laymen’s terms, we
would say that a bridge painlessly allows us to get from one side to the other.
It’s about connection; bridging a gap.
During this past
May, Shabbos Parshas Emor, the Biala Rebbe of B’nei Brak visited our community.
As he didn’t visit our shul I didn’t think I would have the chance to meet him
personally. But as I was walking up the hill to shul, I saw three people
walking ahead of me, and realized that the middle one was the Biala Rebbe.  
This was shortly
after we were informed that the twins Chani was expecting had a condition
called TTTS (Twin to Twin Syndrome), which was a serious concern. Being that
the rebbe was literally right in front of me, I thought it would be foolish not
to introduce myself and solicit his beracha.
The rebbe was
very gracious, and when he heard about the twins’ condition, he suggested that
we be particular to eat Melave Malkeh every Motzei Shabbos, which should
include a hot food or beverage made specifically in honor of Melaveh Malkeh. He
then blessed us that the birth be incredibly easy “beyond nature” (“l’ma’aleh
min hateva”
doesn’t translate well into English).
Every observant
Jew does his utmost to maintain the holiness and sanctity of Shabbos, as the
holy crescendo of our week. When Shabbos ends however, we often feel itchy to
“get out”. After being “bottled up” in the lofty world of Shabbos for 25 hours,
there is often a mentality that we just need to “do something”.
Rabbi Yisroel
Reisman is not only a tremendous talmidim chochom and Rosh Yeshiva, but is also
renown for giving one of the most popular shiurim in the world today. His
Motzei Shabbos Navi shiur is viewed (via satellite hookup) by thousands of
people each week. What a beautiful way to start the new week! Rav Avrohom Pam
zt’l once praised Rabbi Reisman (his talmid) for “transforming Saturday Night
into Motzei Shabbos”.
Motzei Shabbos
is the spiritual bridge between Shabbos Kodesh and the rest of the week. In the
hours after the departure of Shabbos one can quickly lose all the inspiration
he absorbed throughout Shabbos. But one who can maintain the spark of Shabbos and
infuse it into the new week, will have a far more elevated and spiritually
connected week.
Since the Rebbe
gave us that suggestion, Chani and I try to be particular to eat Melaveh Malkeh
together each Motzei Shabbos. Aside for the great spiritual benefit and honor
of Shabbos, spending a few minutes together previewing the following day and
week, has been very beneficial.
Throughout the
months of Chani’s pregnancy with the twins, each doctor’s appointment –
sometimes twice a week – was unnerving and highly anxiety-provoking. We davened
with great intensity, gave tzedakah every week, solicited berachos, and davened
at kevarim of grandparents and tzadikim. Hashem blessed us with two beautiful
healthy twin boys, who had their b’risim on time(!). We would like to believe
that all our efforts helped contribute to their healthy birth b’h. Undoubtedly
also, the merit of eating Melaveh Malkeh, and thereby displaying honor for
Shabbos by seeking to imbue the coming week with the sanctity of Shabbos, helped
as well. It is apparently no trivial matter.
The task of
bridging the gap from Shabbos to the rest of the week, in a certain way mirrors
the task of a Jew’s entire life – to bridge the gap between heaven and earth.
May Hashem
continue to shower us with His blessings, and give us the ability to raise all
of our children to faithfully serve Him and His holy nation by bridging heaven
and earth .  
Shabbat Shalom
& Good Shabbos,

            R’ Dani and Chani Staum       

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