Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Beha’aloscha
15 Sivan 5777/ June 9,
2017 – Avos Perek 2
first time I heard one of my students exclaim “he’s a sick athlete”, I felt
terrible. How sad that such a vibrant and adroit athlete was ill. Before I had
a chance to add his name to my tehillim list however, my students explained to
me that saying an athlete is sick is somehow a good thing. In fact, it’s a big
compliment to say that someone is a ‘sick player’, or that he has a ‘sick shot’.
It was
reminiscent of the first time I heard someone describe a cheesecake as being “sinful”.
Then too, I wondered what was so satanic and devilish about cheesecake. What
was even more confusing was when someone else described the same cheesecake as
being “heavenly” and “divine”, adding that it was “worth every calorie”.
couldn’t help but wonder when is a cheesecake “sinful” and when it is “divine”.

No doubt, you have been pondering the same thing
over the recent Yom Tov of Shavuos.  I will enlighten you to what I think
is the difference, based on the following parable:
A couple
was married for many years. Life took its toll, including the pressures of
raising children, and the rigors of making a living. Sad to say, they didn’t
spend much quality time together. The conversations they did have were mostly
about stressful matters, or arguments about the kids or finances.
anniversary was approaching, and the husband decided to go all out, so they
could celebrate and enjoy the day together.
After a
great deal of planning, the anniversary arrived. They went on an expensive
half-day cruise, complete with sightseeing, and a posh lunch and dinner. By the
time the day was over, they had spent well beyond their normal allotted budget
for such events.
Was it
worth it?
answer depends on what happened afterwards. If the day was merely a momentary
respite from their monotonous relationship, and the next day they resumed their
aloofness toward each other, then the added expenses weren’t really worth it.
However, if the day served to reignite the spark of their insipid marriage, and
brought back faded emotions for each other, then it was worth every penny.
Working towards a better future always requires some investment.
Shavuos there is a beautiful custom to eat dairy foods, including creamy and
delectable cheesecake. The commentators offer numerous reasons why/how eating
dairy reminds us of the revelation at Sinai and the giving of the Torah.
If one
enjoys all the beautiful customs of the holiday, including eating saturated
carbs, and buying expensive flowers, but feels no excitement in the essence of
the day and recommitment to Torah learning and Torah living, then his
indulgences weren’t really worth it.
if the customs serve as symbolism that help abet one’s excitement and
recommitment to Torah, then it’s worth every bite, and every penny.
So, the
question of whether cheesecake is sinful or divine, has little to do with the
contents of the cake, as much as with the attitude of the one eating it.
It all
boils down to whether it’s a sick cheesecake or if the cheesecake makes you
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,

             R’ Dani and Chani Staum

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