Striving Higher

Beha’aloscha 5780

Erev Shabbos Kodesh parshas Beha’aloscha
(EY – Shelach)
20 Sivan 5780/June 12, 2020
Avos perek 2
wasn’t very adept at using computers. It took him a long time to familiarize
himself with new technology, and he always seemed a few steps behind. When he
finally downloaded programs and apps he required, he constantly needed to be
reminded how to use it.
company technician was summoned at least once a week to update or repair
Marty’s computer. But one week, Marty really blew it. He had way too many
programs open on his computer, including streaming videos and other work-related
programs. Then suddenly, his computer completely shut down. At first, Marty
thought it was no big deal, and that he could just reboot the computer. But
when the computer started showing all sorts of codes and errors, he knew he was
in trouble. He put in a panicked call to the technician for help. The
technician arrived a short while later, and quickly he realized that this was
no simple matter. He had to go into the bowels of the computer to change
settings and download new programs. (If you are somewhat technologically savvy,
you have already realized that I don’t really know what I’m talking about, but
bear with me…)     It took the technician
almost four hours to recover all of the damaged files, including documents and
files used by the entire company. Finally, Marty’s computer was back up and
            As the
technician gathered his things to leave and Marty sat back in his chair, he asked
the technician if he thought it would be a problem for him to reopen all the
files simultaneously that had been open when his computer crashed. The
technician looked at him in disbelief. “Are you kidding me? Don’t you see what
happened because of your reckless computer activity? If you do all that again,
then all of my efforts just now were for nothing!”
moral of the story is when you push the reset button, don’t just go back to
what you were doing before!
            We have
no business playing G-d or prophet. No one has the right to say why the
pandemic happened, why people suffered and died, why people had to be alone,
why the economy tanked, etc. But we would be foolish not to learn personal
lessons from everything that happened, so we can grow from it, and resiliently
emerge stronger because of it.
rebbe, Rabbi Chaim Schabes noted that we should not presently go back to our
shuls. Of course, as restrictions are being lifted and we are once again able
to daven with a minyan in shul, we should be excited to do so. But we should
not “go back”. Going back means returning exactly the way we were when we left.
We want to return – albeit differently, better!
invest time and effort to ensure that we daven with a minyan. It’s part of our
lifestyle and we readily inconvenience ourselves to do so. There is no doubt
that our tefillos have always been incredibly efficacious and have protected us
in so many ways. But now that we have not been able to be in our shuls for a
few months, it is incumbent upon us to up our game.
professional sports player wants to come back the next season exactly the way
he was the year before. He uses the offseason to study his personal performance
and to see where he can improve and become a better player.
            In a
sense, this is a new season, a new chapter, in our lives and in our Avodas
            At the
height of the pandemic we were reminded that even when all else fails, we always
have tefilla. But now, as curves flatten and we slowly begin to re-emerge from
isolation, we need to remember that tefilla is not a last resort, but a first
resort. Tefilla is not only for when all else fails, but simply for all – the
good, the challenging and the mundane.
            Just as
in the business world, everyone strives to be innovative, that is how we should
approach tefillah.
            A young
Rabbi, who was a student of the Telsher Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Mordechai Gifter,
once approached Rabbi Gifter and said that he had been invited to be the guest
lecturer in an out-of-town community. He wanted to know if his Rebbe had a
suggestion for an appropriate message that he should relate to that particular
Gifter replied by relating the following personal vignette:
Gifter was born and raised in America but traveled to Europe to learn in the
prominent Telshe Yeshiva in Lithuania. He was only able to afford a third-class
ticket for the boat ride. He was assigned a room at the bottom of the ship, adjacent
to a massive banquet hall.   
            A few
days after they were out at sea there was a festive masquerade party in the
banquet hall. Rabbi Gifter had never before seen adults wearing costumes and
acting frivolously.
there was a loud noise and the electricity on the boat went out. The tragic
events of the Titanic were known to all. Immediately, everyone pulled off their
masks, put down their glasses of wine, and began crying and praying.
            A minute
or two later, the power returned.
minutes later the power went back on. A collective cheer erupted – the music
resumed, masks were re-donned, glasses lifted, and the festivities resumed.
Gifter concluded his story and turned to his student, “Tell the congregation
that when the lights come back on, don’t put the music back on as if nothing
            At this
juncture, the divine proverbial reset button has been pressed. We would be
foolish to let things just return to the way they were.
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos
R’ Dani and Chani Staum       

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