Striving Higher

Yom Kippur


Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the Yom Tov?

Rabbi Dani Staum

Yom Kippur Pix – KEY

Closed Gates – The special fifth tefillah of Yom Kippur is called Ne’ilah – closing, because the gates of repentance and the unique season of repentance is now ending.

Please Forgive Me – The Mishna states that Yom Kippur does not atone for sins committed against another person, until the offender asks forgiveness from the offended – Yoma 8:7

Two identical Goats – Part of the unique Avodah performed by the Kohain Gadol on Yom Kippur in the Bais Hamikdash was that two identical goats were placed before him. He would place his hand in a lottery to determine which was to be offered as a korban, and which was sent to be used as the Azazel.

Whale at Sea – Sefer Yonah is read at Mincha. It is an extremely intriguing and somewhat strange story that cannot be properly understood without the indispensable commentaries. It contains powerful lessons about teshuva and that one cannot escape his destiny and calling in serving Hashem.

Delivered from the curse of broken vows – Yom Kippur begins with Kol Nidrei. In an ancient and penetrating tune, the Chazzan begins the most solemn day with a paragraph that is essentially an annulment of vows. It is a stark reminder of the power of our words, especially as we begin a day when our main service and efforts is with verbal prayer.

Kreplach – There is a prevalent custom to eat kreplach at the Erev Yom Kippur seudah. (There is also a custom to eat kreplach at the seudah on Hoshana Rabbah and at the Purim seudah. Some say the basis is to have a special food to give added honor to these meals during “minor” holidays. Others say that these three days are days when we have a custom to ‘bang’. On Yom Kippur we bang our hearts, on Hoshana Rabbah we bang aravos, and on Purim we bang by Haman’s name. The most delicious part of the krepel is hidden inside, to symbolize that the important part of ‘banging’ is the internal emotion, not the external action.)

Blessing Children – There is a custom to bless one’s children before Yom Kippur.

Seal – At Neilah we no longer ask Hashem to write us in the Book of life, to asking Hashem to חתמנו – SEAL us in the book of life.

Rav Chaim zt”l and his Rebbetzin doing kappraos – There is an ancient custom to schlugg kapparos before Yom Kippur. If one doesn’t want to use a chicken, he can use money.

Standing in submissive prayer cloaked in kittel and tallis – There is a custom to wear white clothing on Yom Kippur. Married men wear a kittel throughout the day of Yom Kippur, reflecting the somberness and purity of the day.

Go eat your food with rejoicing… (Koheles 9:7) – The Medrash (Koheles Rabbah) states that on Motzei Yom Kippur a heavenly voice proclaims this pasuk.

Kohain Gadol dressed in the special white linen garments for Yom Kippur offering the incense in front of the holy Aron on Yom Kippur – The holiest person in the holiest place on the holiest day.

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