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Rabbi Dani Staum

KEY to Parshas Vayikra Pix

Leadership Mistakes – When the Torah discusses that the Nasi – prince/leader of Klal Yisroel makes a mistake it begins by saying “Asher” which sounds like “Ashrei – praised”. Praised is the generation that the leader can admit to his mistakes – 4:22

Leadership Humility – The Chumash begins with the word Vayikra that Hashem called Moshe. In his humility, Moshe wanted to make it look like vayikar – an expression of chance, so it has a small aleph 1:1

Overcoming Guilt – The korban Asham is the final korban described in the parsha brought for more severe sins which carry greater guilt – 5:14

When we miss the mark – The word Chatas, which refers to a sin offering, is actually an expression of missing the mark (see Sefer Shoftim 20:16 & Melachim I 1:21). We view sins as being off the proper path, in the sense that we can rectify our wrongs and get back on the proper path 4:28

Three fingers bent inward – When a korban mincha (flower offering) was brought, the kohain took a kemitza (three-finger-full) of the flour-oil mixture and burned it on the Mizbeiach. The rest was given to the Kohanim – 2:2

My soul expressed – When the Torah describes the bringing of the Korban Mincha, it introduces it by saying “When a soul will bring”. The mincha is the cheapest of the korbanos, generally brought by one who cannot afford more. The poor person may feel ashamed about his miniscule korban, but the Torah states that Hashem views it as if the poor person brought his very soul before Hashem – 2:1

Deep pan – There were different types of Korbanos Mincha that one could choose to bring. A marcheshes was a mincha brought in a deeper pan which would end up being oilier – 2:7

Flat pan – A minchas machavas was brought on a flat pan. Because it was flat most of the oil cooked out, making it more solid – 2:5

What’s your true calling – The Chumash is called Vayikra – Hashem called to Moshe. The name of the Chumash also reminds us that each of us has a ‘calling’ in life, the mission Hashem has for us – 1:1

Peace – The Shelmaim (peace) offering was so called because everyone received part. Some was burned on the Mizbeiach, part was given to the kohanim, and part was given to the owner – 3:1

Going up – The first Korban described is the Olah – elevation korban. It was so called because the entire korban “went up” in the fire upon the Mizbeiach – 1:3

Salt – There is an obligation to place salt upon every korban offered on the Mizbeiach – 2:13

Dishonesty to Integrity – If one steals, he brings an Asham and he also returns what he stole (a mitzvah we hope not to need to fulfill) – 5:23. In addition, offering korbanos is a process of repentance that helps us gain back our integrity which we compromised when we sinned.

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