Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
KEY to Parshas Vayigash Parsha Pix
Goshen – Yosef told the brothers that they should bring their families and Yaakov Avinu down to Mitzrayim and they would live in Goshen – 45:10
Wagons – Yosef sent wagons to help transport Yaakov and all their belongings to Mitzrayim. Rashi says that Yosef was sending a hint to Yaakov because the last thing they learned together was eglah arufah (even though eglah is a calf, it is a similar word to agalah – wagon) 45:27
Now I can die in peace – Yaakov uttered those words when he finally was reunited with Yosef 46:30
Crying on shoulder – Yosef and Binyamin cried on each other’s shoulder(s) when they were reunited 45:14
Speaking in ear – Yehuda approached Yosef at the beginning of the parsha to defend Binyamin and told Yosef that he will “speak in his ear” 44:18
How old are you now –Pharaoh asked Yaakov how old he was when he met him 47:8
We’re building – Yaakov sent Yehuda ahead to Goshen to build a yeshiva before the family arrived there. See Rashi 46:28
Tax information for clergy – Yosef granted the first tax exemption for the priests of Egypt 47:22
What is shock – The brothers were completely shocked when Yosef revealed his identity to them 45:3