Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
KEY to Parshas Vayetzei – Parsha Pix
Picking Flowers – Reuven picked flowers for his mother Leah to help her become pregnant. Rochel made a deal with Leah to get those flowers – 30:14
Fire in the Straw – Rashi (30:25) says when Yosef was born Yaakov was able to leave to fight Eisav, because Yosef was like a flame of Yaakov’s fire and Eisav was like straw
Ladder to Heaven – Yaakov’s dream – 28:12
Pushing Rock – Yaakov pushed huge rock off the well when he arrived in Charan – 29:10
Speckled sheep, Spotted sheep, Brown Sheep, Sheep drinking from trough – Yaakov peeled sticks in various ways and placed them next to the troughs so that the sheep would see them when they were drinking and would be stimulated to produce speckled, spotted, brown and other sheep that Yaakov took as his agreed-upon wage from Lavan – see 30:37-43
Camel Saddle – Rochel hid the idols of her father Lavan beneath her saddle – 31:34
Pouring oil – when Yaakov woke up after having his dream with the ladder, he poured oil on Har Hamoriah – 28:18
Stealing Signs – Rochel gave over the signs to Leah so she wouldn’t be embarrassed when she married Yaakov without Yaakov realizing it – 29:25
Mound of stones – from the treaty Yaakov made with Lavan – 31:45-46 (or it could refer to the many stones that formed into one stone under the head of Yaakov – see Rashi 28:11)