Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
KEY to Parshas Vayera – Parsha Pix
Utz – name of one of Nachor’s sons 22:21
The Five Towns – Sedom, Amorah, Admah Tzvayim, Tzoar were destroyed 19:24 (the names of the five ‘towns’ can be found in 14:2)
No U-turn – Lot, his wife, and daughters were told not to look back 19:17
Three men walking in the distance – 18:2
Laughing – Sarah laughed when she heard she would have a baby 18:12; Lot’s sons-in-law laughed and mocked when the angels told them Sodom would be destroyed 19:14; Yitzchak was so named 21:6; Sarah saw that Yishmael was laughing and mocking, and she asked Avrohom to throw him out 21:9.
Baking matzah – Lot baked matzah – Chazal say it was Pesach 19:3
People walking around blindly – the people of Sodom were struck with blindness and couldn’t find Lot’s home 19:11
The ram Avrohom saw when he was told not to schecht Yitzhak. Its horns were caught in the thicket 22:13
Bound up – the literal meaning of the word akeidah is binding (the binding of Yitzchak) 22:9