Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
Vayelech Pix – Key
120 – Moshe Rabbeinu declares to the nation that he is 120 on that day. It was 7 Adar – 31:2
Eeyore sad on birthday – Moshe Rabbeinu was aware that he was going to die on his birthday
New Leader – Moshe announces that Yehoshua will be his successor – 31:3
Be strong and courageous – Moshe tells Yehoshua that he must be brave – 31:6
Peering from cracks – Hashem says that at times He will hide His face and His hashgacha will be hidden – 31:18
King reading Torah in Bais Hamikdash – the 612th mitzvah is that of Hakhel. On Succos of the year following shemittah the entire nation would gather in the Bais Hamikdash where the King would read parts of Sefer Devorim to the nation – 31:10-13
Holding Sefer Torah – The Torah is witness of eternity of Jewish people – 31:19
Song – Torah is a song. Ramban says it is a song in the sense that was written in poetic form and it would be chanted. The 613th and final mitzvah is to write the song, to write a Sefer Torah – 31:19
Esther – Gemara Chullin (139b) says Esther is hinted to in Torah from pasuk 31:18 (haster astir – I will hide my face – the word sound like Esther. At the time of Purim, it was all hidden miracles…)