Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
KEY for Parshas Toldos parsha Pix
Archer – Eisav – 25:27
Two Goats – The meal prepared for Yitzchak – 27:8
Twins in womb -25:24
Life begins at 40 – Yitzchak married Rivka when he was 40 – 25:20; Eisav married two women when he was 40 – 26:34
Red Lentils – Yaakov cooked for Yitzchak when he was in mourning after Avrohom died 25:29-30 (Rashi says it was red lentils)
Pig – Eisav is compared to a pig because just as a pig pretends its kosher by showing off its split hooves but hides the fact that he doesn’t chew his cud, so too Eisav pretended to be a better person than he was – see Rashi 26:44
Me’ah Shearim – 26:12
Center for Visually Impaired – Yitzchak couldn’t see well – 27:1
Digging Wells – Story of Yitzchak and Pelishtim – 26:15