Can you figure out what each picture has to do with the parsha?
Rabbi Dani Staum
Parshas Eikev – KEY
Seven species that Eretz Yisroel is blessed with – 8:8
Luchos containing the Ten Commandments – Although the actual 10 commandments are repeated in parshas Vaeschanan, the debacle of the shattering of the first luchos, and Moshe carving out the second luchos, is mentioned in parshas Eikev – 9:15
Tefillin – One of the four places in the Torah where the mitzvah of tefillin is mentioned is in the second parsha of Shema – 11:18
How arrogant are you – The Torah warns that arrogance causes a person to think he is the cause of his own success, causing him to forget about G-d – 8:11
Consuming Fire – The Torah warns that Hashem is a consuming fire, as it were, to destroy our enemies – 9:3
Bentching – The mitzvah of reciting birchas hamazon after a satiating bread meal, is biblically-mandated – 8:10
Yiras Hashem – Moshe tells Klal Yisroel that ultimately Hashem wants them to fear Him – 10:12
Fearsome looking insect – The nation was informed that when they entered the Land to fight the Canaanites, the Canaanites would flee before them because they would first be attacked by the tzirah – a venomous insect – 7:20
Heel – The opening words of the parsha, “And it will be eikev because you will listen…” The word “eikev – because”, can also mean a heel. Rashi explains that the Torah is enumerating blessings we merit when we even observe those mitzvos that others “tread upon” as with their heel – 7:12