Striving Higher


PARSHAS NOACH 5780 – Rabbi Dani Staum
          After forty days, the flood rains
stopped. At that point the Ark was submerged in water and the inhabitants of
the Ark would have to wait until the ground dried before they could leave the
Ark and repopulate the world.
          “And he waited another seven days and
he continued to send out the dove… and Noach knew the waters had receded from
the earth… and he waited another seven days…. And it was during the six hundred
and first year, on the first of the month, the waters dried from upon the
earth… and in the second month on the twenty-seventh day of the month the earth
dried.” (Bereishis 8:10-14)
          During the flood, so much water had
fallen that the highest mountains were covered by fifteen amos (approximately
30 feet) of water. Naturally, it should have taken hundreds of years for that
amount of water to evaporate. The fact that it evaporated in a few months was
completely miraculous. If G-d was anyway going to dry up the earth at a
miraculously accelerated rate, why couldn’t He do so in a week, or even a day?
What was the point of making Noach and the inhabitants of the Ark remain in the
Ark for almost an entire year?
          Translating an ancient proverb, Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow wrote, “Though the mills of G-d grind slowly, yet they
grind exceeding small; though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness
grinds He all.” The proverb is referring to divine retribution, asserting that
although it may seem that the wicked get away with their iniquities, G-d has infinite
patience. Eventually justice is served, but on G-d’s timetable, not ours. This
idea is true not only regarding retribution, but every facet of life.
          Rabbi Shimon Schwab zt”l explained
that the Torah is reminding us that Hashem does not cause things to happen
immediately. A person must wait and hope to G-d, and with time everything will transpire
exactly how G-d wills it to occur. Noach had to wait, and then wait again, to
symbolize us to us that such is the way of life.
          This idea is especially important for
us in a world of instant gratification and ‘on demand’. When our internet connection
is slightly slower than we expect, we become frustrated and insist that it be
repaired immediately. But life and the things we desire don’t necessarily occur
when we want them to.
          The beracha we confer upon an
expecting woman, and also upon a chosson and kallah is “b’sha’a tova
in a good time”. All blessings have an exact time when they are to occur. The
same is true for all events of life. 
          The Navi reminds us, “It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of G-d”
(Eicha 3:26). Not only is there a reason for all that occurs, there is a time
as well.

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