Doniel Staum, LMSW
Kehillat New Hempstead
Counselor – ASHAR
– Ohr Naftoli- New Windsor
“This is the decree of the Torah… a completely red
cow, without blemish…”[1]
Rashi explains that Satan and the nations would
taunt Klal Yisroel about parah adumah. Therefore, the Torah states that
it is ‘a decree of the Torah’; therefore no one has the right to question it.
There are many laws in the Torah for which we are
not privy to reasons, such as shatnez and the prohibition of eating milk
and meat together. Why did they specifically question parah adumah?
Rav Moshe Sternbuch shlita explains that offering
the parah adumah entails many seemingly paradoxical components. The
color red symbolizes blood and murder, so why is a completely red animal used
as the offering to purify from tumah of a dead body?
In addition, when the ashes of the parah adumah
were sprinkled, the pure sprinkler became impure while the impure recipients of
the sprinkling become pure.  It is those
inherent contradictory components that the nations question and mock.
On a deeper level, parah adumah represents
the complexity and paradox of life. Klal Yisroel is the holiest and most elite
of all nations, and yet there is no nation so persecuted and afflicted. We
witness righteous people suffer and malicious sinners prosper. 
The nations scoff and mock us just as they mock
the parah adumah. About both of them our response is “This is the decree
of the Torah – it is a decree from before Me”.
following is excerpted from
תורת ממאור עינינו, a pamphlet of Torah thoughts from Rabbi
Leible Chaitovsky delivered in Ashar[2],
which I was privileged to author and disseminate at this year’s Ashar
“A number of years ago, a girl from Russia joined
Ashar in 7th grade. At that time it was still prevalent for children
coming out of the recently disbanded communist U.S.S.R. to come to yeshivos in America.
“This girl was an only child of her Russian
parents. After not having had the opportunity to learn anything about Judaism
in Russia,
they very much wanted their daughter to receive a Jewish education.
“Her parents performed menial jobs which paid
little, so they could afford the tuition payments to send her to Ashar.
“When she first arrived she barely spoke any
English. She had a very difficult experience and it was completely an uphill
climb for her. She didn’t understand much of what was taught in English, and
she didn’t know one word of Hebrew.
“She would go home each night after school and try
to review and understand what was taught in school.
“Her teachers offered her extra time and tried to
help her along. She worked very hard and reviewed everything she learned,
including to incorporate new words into her lexicon.
“At first she had no friends and would review each
night with her parents.
“I had her as a student when she entered eighth
grade. When I would teach she would stick her head out into the aisle and watch
my eyes diligently watching my every move. I felt like she was a sponge
absorbing everything I said.
“When the faculty met to discuss which student
should be valedictorian, it was unanimously agreed that it should be her.
“At graduation when she got up to speak you could
have heard a pin drop. It was one of the most moving speeches ever given in
that old Ashar auditorium. She spoke about her parent’s struggle to maintain
Judaism in Russia.
She lauded her parents and thanked them for all they did for her.
“There was one thing she didn’t share, that we
only found out later. Students often hang up pictures or mementos which excite
or (rarely) inspire them in their lockers. In the back of her locker there was
one small photo – it was of her parents. She said that every time she opened
her locker she thought about how much sacrifice they invested to send her to a
Jewish school where she could learn Torah. It would have been so much easier to
send her to public school, but they accepted the challenge because it was
important to them. She related that it was their selfless sacrifice that
inspired her to do her utmost to be successful.
“When Moshe and Aharon appeared before Pharaoh
demanding that he release the Jews from Egypt, the first sign they
displayed was Aharon’s staff transforming into a snake. But the real miracle
was when Aharon’s staff swallowed the Pharaoh’s and the Egyptian advisors’ staffs.
Incredibly, even after it swallowed the other staffs Aharon’s staff did not
expand or change at all.
“That miracle was reminiscent of another event
which occurred in Egypt
a few centuries earlier. At the beginning of Parshas Miketz, the Torah relates
the dream of Pharaoh in which seven skinny stalks swallowed seven healthier stalks
and yet they remained the same.
“That dream symbolized Yosef himself – the
greatest underdog story in the history of the world. A Jew alone in jail, cast
away and abandoned, then became second to the king literally overnight.
“The miracle of Aharon’s stick swallowing their
sticks wasn’t meant to scare Pharaoh and the Egyptians, although it almost
invariably did. It was meant to symbolize to Moshe and Aharon themselves –
don’t think there’s no chance here. Don’t think the situation is beyond repair!
Remember Yosef’s dream! The Jews will yet swallow up all of Egypt. Former
slaves will assume dominance over the country, and no one from ancient Egypt will
“We need to maintain a mental image in our
metaphorical lockers of our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents who
risked so much, who gave their blood, so that we could learn Torah today, so
that we can recite berachos, so that we can wear tefillin and tzitzis without
fear, so that we can daven together in unison. We need to keep that mental
image in our minds; it needs to inspire us.
“Moshe and Aharon were encouraged by the dreams
and saga of Yosef, and so should we be as well!”
The Parah Adumah symbolizes to us the paradoxical
eternity of our people. Though we have never had it easy we have always
persevered because we have never forgotten the sacrifices of those who have
given all so that we can continue to bear the banner of Torah. It may be a long
and arduous journey but we live with the confidence of knowing that the day
will come when Aharon’s staff will again swallow the staffs of all the scoffers
and all will know the truth.
“The seven thin sheaves swallowed the seven
healthy sheaves”
“This is the decree of the Torah”

[1] Bamidbar 19:2
[2] Yeshivas Hadar Avrohom Tzvi – known
as “Ashar” – is the yeshiva where I am privileged to serve as fifth grade rebbe
and Guidance Counselor