Striving Higher


“Revealing Hidden Praise”[1]

Parshas Korach 5782

לרפואה שלימה אסתר תהלה בת אריאל ציפורה

Based on “Erev Shabbos Parsha Inspiration” by Rabbi Phillip Moskowitz[2]

Written by Rabbi Dani Staum

The Kotzker Rebbe would refer to Korach as “unzereh heiligeh Zayde” our holy grandfather. The Rebbe meant to convey that Korach was a great person and, therefore, it behooves us to understand how such a dignified person could have made such an egregious mistake that caused his undignified and ignominious downfall.

What was the fundamental mistake that Korach made?

Korach believed that to have a real connection with Hashem one had to be a leader like the Kohain Gadol performing the avodah in the Bais Hamikdash. Only the service of one who had a recognized position of greatness was worthwhile. Korach felt that Moshe and Aharon were hijacking his ability, and that of the majority of other Jews. Only Moshe and Aharon and their ilk could achieve true connection with Hashem, which was everyone’s ultimate desire.

That was Korach’s fatal flaw. He didn’t realize that in Hashem’s eyes every single Jew has a mission and purpose. Perhaps, by our standards, some people’s missions appear more heroic while others seem more mundane. But every Jew has the capacity to spread kedusha in the world and thereby connect with Hashem.

No matter where we go or what we are doing we should view ourselves as being on a mission from Hashem. Every one of us has a constant mandate to change the world in whatever way we can.

Tehillim 48 is one of the chapters of Tehillim from the sons of Korach. The chapter begins by saying Hashem is great in His palaces. The sons of Korach originally thought the presence of Hashem is relegated to holy places and can only be felt there.

But the chapter concludes, “As is Your Name so is Your praise, at the ends of the earth”. The sons of Korach came to the recognition that no matter where one is in the world one can seek and achieve a relationship with Hashem.

The gemara (Sanhedrin 11oa) says that the sons of Korach were given a place higher up in Gehonim, and there they sing praises of Hashem.

Why was that their fate?

Rav Moshe Weinberger explains that the teshuva of the sons of Korach entailed that they teach the message that their father failed to realize during his lifetime. Their message is that even at the gateway of Gehonim one can achieve connection with Hashem and sing His praises.

3 Tamuz is the yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The Rebbe indoctrinated his generation with the message that no matter where a Jew is to be found, he has the ability not only to personally connect with Hashem, but also to elevate and inspire others. The rebbe dispatched emissaries throughout the word to inspire and teach. His everlasting legacy is that you don’t have to be the Kohai Gadol doing the avodah in the Bais Hamikdash to be connected to Hashem. Wherever you are, on whatever level you’re on, in whatever way you are able. No Jew is ever out of reach!

  1. Hidden Praise is the loose meaning of Esther Tehilla, for whose refuah these divrei Torah were written.
  2. “Korach: 3 short ideas to inspire your Shabbos table”, June 26, 2020, posted on YUTorah

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