Striving Higher


“Revealing Hidden Praise”[1] Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei 5780[2] לזכר נשמת אסתר תהלה בת ר’ גבריאל פינחס Based on “Erev Shabbos Parsha Inspiration” by Rabbi Phillip Moskowitz[3] Written by Rabbi Dani Staum[4] Why does Torah repeat the construction of Mishkan? Rabbeinu Bechayei – Hashem’s way of “checking in”. How is it going? Don’t send child off to yeshiva/seminary […]


“Revealing Hidden Praise”[1] Parshas Vaera 5784 לזכר נשמת אסתר תהלה בת ר’ גבריאל פינחס Based on “Erev Shabbos Parsha Inspiration” by Rabbi Phillip Moskowitz[2] Written by Rabbi Dani Staum[3] Moshe’s handicap is described in two different ways: In Shemos 6:12 he asks Hashem how will Pharoah listen to me, “ואני ערל שפתים”? In parshas Shemos […]


“Revealing Hidden Praise”[1] Parshas Mishpatim 5783 לזכר נשמת אסתר תהלה בת ר’ גבריאל פינחס Based on “Erev Shabbos Parsha Inspiration” by Rabbi Phillip Moskowitz[2] Written by Rabbi Dani Staum[3] 1. Rashi (Shemos 25:31) says that Moshe had a hard time constructing the Menorah, so Hashem showed Moshe a Menorah of fire so Moshe could see […]


“Revealing Hidden Praise”[1] Parshas Shoftim 5782 לזכר נשמת אסתר תהלה בת גבריאל פינחס Based on “Erev Shabbos Parsha Inspiration” by Rabbi Phillip Moskowitz[2] Written by Rabbi Dani Staum The Torah warns that once the Mizbeiach is erected in the Mishkan/Bais Hamikdash, “You shall not set up for yourself a monument, that Hashem, your G-d, abhors.”[3] […]


“Revealing Hidden Praise”[1] Parshas Shelach 5782 לרפואה שלימה אסתר תהלה בת אריאל ציפורה Based on “Erev Shabbos Parsha Inspiration” by Rabbi Phillip Moskowitz[2] Written by Rabbi Dani Staum The story of the Meraglim is of the most calamitous debacles mentioned in the Torah. Hashem had long promised Eretz Yisroel as the Chosen Land to us. […]


“Revealing Hidden Praise”[1] Parshas Re’eh 5782 לרפואה שלימה אסתר תהלה בת אריאל ציפורה Based on “Erev Shabbos Parsha Inspiration” by Rabbi Phillip Moskowitz[2] Written by Rabbi Dani Staum The Torah teaches about an ir hanidachas, a city which worshipped idolatry that it must be completely destroyed, and all its population wiped out. ולא ידבק בידך […]


“Revealing Hidden Praise”[1] Parshas Pinchos 5782 לרפואה שלימה אסתר תהלה בת אריאל ציפורה Based on “Erev Shabbos Parsha Inspiration” by Rabbi Phillip Moskowitz[2] Written by Rabbi Dani Staum There are two great leaders who are discussed in parshas Pinchos: Pinchos and Yehoshua. It is interesting that they are both highlighted in the same parsha. It […]


“Revealing Hidden Praise”[1] Parshas Naso 5782 לרפואה שלימה אסתר תהלה בת אריאל ציפורה Based on “Erev Shabbos Parsha Inspiration” by Rabbi Phillip Moskowitz[2] Written by Rabbi Dani Staum “A hypocritical businessman, whose fortune had been the misfortune of many others, told Mark Twain piously, “Before I die, I intend to make a pilgrimage to the […]


“Revealing Hidden Praise”[1] Parshas Mishpatim 5783 לזכר נשמת אסתר תהלה בת ר’ גבריאל פינחס Based on “Erev Shabbos Parsha Inspiration” by Rabbi Phillip Moskowitz[2] Written by Rabbi Dani Staum[3] A few months ago, for a period, I sent out weekly divrei Torah from the lectures of Rabbi Philip Moskowitz of Boca Raton Synagogue. I came […]

Matos – Masei

“Revealing Hidden Praise”[1] Parshas Matos-Masei 5782 לרפואה שלימה אסתר תהלה בת אריאל ציפורה Based on “Erev Shabbos Parsha Inspiration” by Rabbi Phillip Moskowitz[2] Written by Rabbi Dani Staum There are many incidents, struggles, tragedies and travails that transpire throughout Chumash Bamidbar. It’s essentially the story of the nation’s sojourns in the desert. The story of […]