Succos I 5776

Erev Succos – Z’man
14 Tishrei 5776/ September
27, 2015
Each year on Erev Rosh
Hashanah and Erev Yom Kippur I try to visit the cemetery which is a one minute
drive from our shul. I daven at the kevarim of some of the tzaddikim buried
there including Rav Mordechai Schwab, Rav Nesanel Quinn, the Ribnitzer Rebbe,
and the Skulener Rebbe zt’l.
Each year as I enter the
cemetery I tuck my tzitzis into my pants so that they are not visible as is the
halacha. Shulchan Aruch (Oh”C 23:1) states that if one’s tzitzis are visible
when he visits a cemetery it is tantamount to “mocking the impoverished”. Those
who have already left this world understand how invaluable every mitzvah is.
Since they no longer have the opportunity to perform mitzvos we don’t want to
‘stick in their face’ as it were, especially as we approach them to intercede
on our behalf.
As I tuck in my tzitzis I
wonder what the deceased would say about the cell phone visibly hanging from my
cell phone. If having tzitzis visible in a cemetery is analogous to mocking the
dead, I wonder if having a cell phone visible is analogous to giving the dead a
good laugh. “You foolish people, fritting your time away with so much
nonsense, why don’t you put that silly time-killer away?”
Surely there is
much good that we do with our phones, but many of us spend a great deal of time
using our phones and other media to escape into the fantastical and fake world
of social fantasy media.
The cemetery in Monsey
has a well with a pump attached to it so those who visit the cemetery can wash
their hands afterwards, as is required by halacha. To siphon the water one
needs to pump vigorously for a minute or two until the water begins to flow
The focal point of the
joyous celebration of Succos was the Simchas Bais Hashoeivah. Although the
actual service was the pouring of the drawn water onto the side of the
Mizbeaiach, the celebration is titled “the joy of the drawing”.
In a sense that
represents what the joy of Succos is all about. Succos celebrates our reconnection
with G-d and all that is valuable in life, which we attained through our
efforts that culminated with Yom Kippur.
The pouring of the water
is the result of the drawing, our herculean efforts to reach deep within ourselves
and draw out our latent greatness so it can gush forth.    
In Shir Hashirim, Shlomo
Hamelech poetically and nostalgically states: “I am asleep but my heart is
awake.” Isn’t that the story of our lives? In our hearts we yearn for
greatness, but our bodies are sloth and sluggish. But during the celestial
moments of Neilah we are finally awake. Before we have the chance to lap back
into slumber we quickly immerse ourselves in the celebration of Succos. We
spend a week in the embrace of G-d, shaking the Four Species in all the
directions which G-d controls. It’s a joy that stems from deep within; joy that
we have drawn out from in ourselves.     
Succos is the joy of the
soul merging with the happiness of the body; a celebration of our ability to
overcome our inclination to frit away our life, by performing mitzvos as long
as we are living.
Good Yom Tov & Chag Sameach,
            R’ Dani and Chani Staum

720 Union Road • New Hempstead, NY 10977 • (845) 362-2425