Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Vayigash
Parshas Vayigash
8 Teves 5777/ January 7,
One morning this
past summer, I looked at my watch and noticed that the pin which represented
the number 3 (my watch doesn’t have actual numbers) had become dislodged and
was rolling around the inside of my watch. I wasn’t happy about it, but camp
life is very busy, so I didn’t give it much thought.
past summer, I looked at my watch and noticed that the pin which represented
the number 3 (my watch doesn’t have actual numbers) had become dislodged and
was rolling around the inside of my watch. I wasn’t happy about it, but camp
life is very busy, so I didn’t give it much thought.
The pin continued
to aimlessly roll around the inside of the watch for a few days, but for the
moment my watch still told the time. Within a few days however, the 3 pin
lodged itself under the minute hand and my watch stopped. I gave the watch a
good ol’ klopp and that was sufficient to dislodge the pin. I then reset
the time. It didn’t take long before it happened again, and then again, until
it knocked into the small seconds-hand, before eventually knocking off the
minute hand completely. At that point I had a watch with only a functioning hour-hand.
The rest of the pieces were jovially rolling around within the interior of the
to aimlessly roll around the inside of the watch for a few days, but for the
moment my watch still told the time. Within a few days however, the 3 pin
lodged itself under the minute hand and my watch stopped. I gave the watch a
good ol’ klopp and that was sufficient to dislodge the pin. I then reset
the time. It didn’t take long before it happened again, and then again, until
it knocked into the small seconds-hand, before eventually knocking off the
minute hand completely. At that point I had a watch with only a functioning hour-hand.
The rest of the pieces were jovially rolling around within the interior of the
I finally
admitted that it was time for a repair. I sent the watch back to the company,
and it arrived back fixed a few weeks later. I am happy to report that as of
this writing my watch is accurately reporting the time, and all its pins and
hands are where they need to be.
admitted that it was time for a repair. I sent the watch back to the company,
and it arrived back fixed a few weeks later. I am happy to report that as of
this writing my watch is accurately reporting the time, and all its pins and
hands are where they need to be.
Someone once
complained to the Chofetz Chaim that he felt overwhelmed and trapped by his Evil
Inclination. He was frustrated because he felt he never had a moment’s respite
from its whims and enticements.
complained to the Chofetz Chaim that he felt overwhelmed and trapped by his Evil
Inclination. He was frustrated because he felt he never had a moment’s respite
from its whims and enticements.
The Chofetz
Chaim replied that the internal struggle with our Evil Inclination is analogous
to the old-fashioned wind-up watches. The watches had two wheels (gears) that
rotated in opposite directions. It was those conflicting forces that kept the
watch going, telling the correct time.
Chaim replied that the internal struggle with our Evil Inclination is analogous
to the old-fashioned wind-up watches. The watches had two wheels (gears) that
rotated in opposite directions. It was those conflicting forces that kept the
watch going, telling the correct time.
While one’s Evil
Inclination pulls him in one direction, his Good Inclination urges him in the
opposite direction. When one makes positive choices, and allows his conscience
to dictate his behaviors, he can be the optimal Eved Hashem. As long as he
is able to keep himself balanced, he can proceed confidentially, despite, or
perhaps because, he is constantly struggling.
Inclination pulls him in one direction, his Good Inclination urges him in the
opposite direction. When one makes positive choices, and allows his conscience
to dictate his behaviors, he can be the optimal Eved Hashem. As long as he
is able to keep himself balanced, he can proceed confidentially, despite, or
perhaps because, he is constantly struggling.
The conflicting
forces of life present us with the greatest challenges. It’s not the battle of
right and wrong which so befuddles us, as much as the struggle to know how to
proceed in the gray areas of life, when one is unsure what is right and what is
forces of life present us with the greatest challenges. It’s not the battle of
right and wrong which so befuddles us, as much as the struggle to know how to
proceed in the gray areas of life, when one is unsure what is right and what is
One of the most
poignant shmoozen I recall from my years in Yeshiva Shaarei Torah, was
delivered by the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Mordechai Wolmark. It was during the time
when I and my friends were just “entering the parsha” of shidduchim.
poignant shmoozen I recall from my years in Yeshiva Shaarei Torah, was
delivered by the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Mordechai Wolmark. It was during the time
when I and my friends were just “entering the parsha” of shidduchim.
Rabbi Wolmark
noted that yeshivos invest great effort to cultivate within their students a
sense of ga’avah dekedusha – holy pride. It is a vital trait to build
confidence in a society that often fails to appreciate the merit of Torah
study. When one is a yeshiva student he must be exceedingly proud of that
status, and in a certain sense he must exude that feeling of self-importance.
noted that yeshivos invest great effort to cultivate within their students a
sense of ga’avah dekedusha – holy pride. It is a vital trait to build
confidence in a society that often fails to appreciate the merit of Torah
study. When one is a yeshiva student he must be exceedingly proud of that
status, and in a certain sense he must exude that feeling of self-importance.
The challenge
presents itself when yeshiva bochurim get married, and have to learn to humble
themselves before their wives. They have to be able to balance their feelings
of being an elite Torah student, with being a respectful spouse, which entails
not conveying any sense of superiority whatsoever. In fact, Rambam writes that
a husband has to honor his wife, more than he honors himself.
presents itself when yeshiva bochurim get married, and have to learn to humble
themselves before their wives. They have to be able to balance their feelings
of being an elite Torah student, with being a respectful spouse, which entails
not conveying any sense of superiority whatsoever. In fact, Rambam writes that
a husband has to honor his wife, more than he honors himself.
That delicate
balance is another example of wheels turning in opposite direction. Without
that balance, the pieces begin to knock into each other and chaos ensues
balance is another example of wheels turning in opposite direction. Without
that balance, the pieces begin to knock into each other and chaos ensues
The good news is
that in many cases, the situation can be rectifiable. That can happen if each
side is able and willing to learn its place, and thereby come to an
understanding of how to work together in harmonious peace.
that in many cases, the situation can be rectifiable. That can happen if each
side is able and willing to learn its place, and thereby come to an
understanding of how to work together in harmonious peace.
Then they can be
ensured that instead of becoming ticked off, they will be able to be tick in
perfect balance, and right on time.
ensured that instead of becoming ticked off, they will be able to be tick in
perfect balance, and right on time.
Shabbat Shalom
& Good Shabbos,
& Good Shabbos,
R’ Dani and Chani Staum