Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Vayechi
11 Teves 5775/January
2, 2015
      The new upscale
school of Mount Wealthmore had begun its first school year.
      The students
absolutely loved school. There was no homework or tests because that could
trigger undue anxiety. Classes could not be longer than twenty minutes because
it could cause students to become jittery which could impinge on their ability
to focus. Students were dropped off by their live-in housekeepers whenever they
would wake up. In addition, every month the student council met with the school
administration to inform them of the results of the student vote as to how each
teacher was performing. A 70% student disapproval rating was sufficient vote to
have the teacher fired.
      Mount Wealthmore
also formed a basketball team to compete in the local league, called the
Wealthmore Pampers. No student was turned down from the team out of fear that
it could hurt their self-esteem. For the same reason all players had to be
given equal playing time and the same amount of passes throughout the game.
      The school’s
absolute no-bullying policy was strictly enforced on the court too. So when
Billy missed an easy layup and Harris screamed out ‘oh man!’ to no one in
particular he was promptly thrown off the team and suspended for bullying.
      If a player was
not playing well Mr. Phillips, the coach, would privately call the boy over and
strike up a conversation with him about how things were at home, where he was
going for vacation, and then gently slide in a playful comment which hinted to
the suggestion that perhaps the player should agree to sit down for a few
      Finally after
weeks of practice, in which each student was told how fantastic he was doing
despite the results, it was time for their first game.
      They were slated
to play against the Inner City Cavaliers. The game was a disaster. Before the
game even started three of the Pampers ran off crying because the Cavaliers
players gave them dirty looks.

The Bombers starting five were tough and
well-seasoned players, while the Pampers starting 5 were all sons of the
members of the elite school board. By the end of the first quarter the
Cavaliers were up by 38 points. The Pampers had not yet scored a basket.
      Most of the
Pampers players were congregating around Mr. Philips protesting that the other
players were being mean to them. Mr. Philips was having a hard enough time
before the player’s parents stormed onto the court and began threatening the
referees that if the Pampers didn’t start winning they would sue the league.
The referees could hardly stifle their laughter.
      In an ironic turn
of events the Pampers got the win. It seems that with two minutes left before
half time and the Cavaliers leading 73-0, they walked off the court in utter
disgust. The Pampers won by forfeiture!

was the only game the Pampers ever played, because no team ever agreed to play
them again.

More importantly the Pampers players, as well as
the other students at Mount Wealthmore, learned a valuable lesson – that
they were incapable of fending for themselves and were too incompetent to deal
with the challenges of life without their parents intervention.
      The fast of Asarah
B’Teves commemorates the tragedy of the beginning of the siege of Yerushalayim
when the forces of Nebuchadnezzar surrounded the city prior to the destruction
of the first Bais Hamikdash.
      When surrounded on
all sides one becomes too stifled to grow and produce. That holds true even if
the surrounding is done well-meaningly, with utmost love and care.
      Raising children
requires faith and courage. Faith in the child’s ability and courage to allow
the child to make their own choices!
      Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
Dani and Chani Staum

720 Union Road • New Hempstead, NY 10977 • (845) 362-2425