Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Vaeschanan/Shabbos
Pirkei Avos – Perek 4 — 12 Menachem Av
5774/August 8, 2014
A number
of years ago, one of our children had been learning about the importance of
prayer, turned to Chani and said, “Mommy, could you daven that Hashem take away
my hiccups.”
It sounds
like a cute story, which demonstrates the simple sincerity of a young child.
But we need to pay heed to the things those sincere children utter.  
One of
the Chassidim of Reb Motel Chernobler saw the rebbe standing at the window
moving his lips. The chasid imagined his rebbe was reciting some kabbalistic
declaration. He was shocked when he walked closer and heard the Rebbe say,
“Master of the world, the maid that helps my wife wants to quit, but my wife
really needs her help. Please help the maid change her mind.” Later the chosid
asked the rebbe why he was praying for such a mundane thing. The rebbe replied
emphatically, “Who else should I ask?”  
It seems
that it is easier to believe in Hashem when ‘big things’ happen than when
‘little/mundane’ annoyances happen. [Although being married for some time, I
have learned that if the cleaning help quits it is not little or mundane.] When
upsetting and frustrating events occur one can comfort himself that it’s undoubtedly
part of the Divine plan. But it’s harder to admit the same when one has a
headache on a Sunday afternoon (see Rabbeinu Yonah, Misheli 3:6).
This week
as I was davening for some of my personal needs and wants I paused for a
moment. Is it really proper for me to daven for small things like having nice
weather so camp can function properly while soldiers are putting their lives in
danger in Gaza
and our brethren in Eretz Yisroel are in serious danger?
reminded myself that, not only was that thought wrong, it may even border on
idolatry. The Ran (Derash 9) explains that idolatry began from a misunderstanding
about the greatness of G-d. They felt that if G-d was so mighty and powerful,
it is audacious of man to assume that G-d cares about the trivialities of his
life. Why would the G-d of the universe care if I pray or sin? But that
attitude is a drastic mistake. In fact, the true greatness of G-d lies in the
fact that despite His omnipotence, He indeed loves every miniscule one of his
creations, and cares for the individual welfare of each one.
On Tisha
B’av we recount many painful experiences and sagas that our nation has had to
endure since time immemorial (the oldest kinah was composed by Yirimyah about
the death of Yoshiyahu Hamelech, which occurred before the destruction of the
first Bais Hamikdash). It is always astounding to hear the accounts of those
extraordinary believers in G-d who endured the worst atrocities of mankind and
yet maintained their faith, attest that they knew G-d was with them in the
worst of times.
We daven
for the welfare of our soldiers, we daven for the welfare, peace, and
prosperity of our people, and we daven for the sick and brokenhearted. And we
must also daven for our cars to start, that we make it to all of our
appointments, and that our family enjoys the supper we cook.
The same G-d
who appeared to us at Sinai and will appear with the advent of Moshiach, is the
same G-d who orchestrates every detail of our lives, including taking away our
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
            R’ Dani and Chani Staum       

720 Union Road • New Hempstead, NY 10977 • (845) 362-2425