Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Netzovim
Parshas Netzovim
27 Elul Av 5776/ September
30, 2016
30, 2016
Pirkei Avos – Perakim 5-6
Nothing these days
seems to be simple. Simple is too boring for us. So everything has to have a
lot of fanfare and become a big production. This includes the packaging of
products. Sometimes I wonder if the packaging is more expensive than the
product itself.
seems to be simple. Simple is too boring for us. So everything has to have a
lot of fanfare and become a big production. This includes the packaging of
products. Sometimes I wonder if the packaging is more expensive than the
product itself.
That is surely true
when it comes to toys. When a child receives a gift of a simple doll (do they
even produce simple dolls anymore?) it becomes an ordeal just to get it out of
the protective casing. After cutting through the bullet-proof plastic, you have
to unwind the plastic fasteners that bind each limb to the cardboard backing.
There seems to be more protection for toys and gadgets than there is at our
when it comes to toys. When a child receives a gift of a simple doll (do they
even produce simple dolls anymore?) it becomes an ordeal just to get it out of
the protective casing. After cutting through the bullet-proof plastic, you have
to unwind the plastic fasteners that bind each limb to the cardboard backing.
There seems to be more protection for toys and gadgets than there is at our
Two weeks ago we were
zocheh to enter our twin sons – Gavriel and Michoel – into the b’ris of Avrohom
Avinu. Last week we were zocheh to have the upsherin of our three-year-old son,
Shimshon Dovid.
zocheh to enter our twin sons – Gavriel and Michoel – into the b’ris of Avrohom
Avinu. Last week we were zocheh to have the upsherin of our three-year-old son,
Shimshon Dovid.
Before the upsherin I
brought Dovid to a few rabbeim, including our Rebbe, Rabbi Chaim Schabes, so
that they could perform the initial cuttings and to give him a beracha. After
Rabbi Schabes snipped some of his hair, he noted that the minhag of performing
an upsherin is symbolically connected to the mitzvah of orlah. [When a new
tree begins to produce fruit the farmer is forbidden to eat those fruits for
the first three years. Those fruits are called orlah. It is only in the fourth
year that the farmer can begin to enjoy the fruits of that tree (that fourth
year the fruits must be eaten in Yerushalayim). Refraining from cutting a boy’s
hair during the first three years is symbolic of the mitzvah of orlah, in that
we don’t touch it and ‘leave it for Hashem’.] The mitzvah of b’ris milah is
to cut away the orlah, referring to the foreskin. The literal meaning of the
word orlah is a blockage or stuffing.
brought Dovid to a few rabbeim, including our Rebbe, Rabbi Chaim Schabes, so
that they could perform the initial cuttings and to give him a beracha. After
Rabbi Schabes snipped some of his hair, he noted that the minhag of performing
an upsherin is symbolically connected to the mitzvah of orlah. [When a new
tree begins to produce fruit the farmer is forbidden to eat those fruits for
the first three years. Those fruits are called orlah. It is only in the fourth
year that the farmer can begin to enjoy the fruits of that tree (that fourth
year the fruits must be eaten in Yerushalayim). Refraining from cutting a boy’s
hair during the first three years is symbolic of the mitzvah of orlah, in that
we don’t touch it and ‘leave it for Hashem’.] The mitzvah of b’ris milah is
to cut away the orlah, referring to the foreskin. The literal meaning of the
word orlah is a blockage or stuffing.
Thus, my rebbe noted,
we had the zechus to be involved in the removal of orlah for two weeks in a row
– the first week was the double removal of the orlos of b’ris milah (Rabbi
Schabes was the Mohel), the second week was the symbolic orlah of our son’s
hereto uncut hair. (Well, almost completely uncut, if we don’t include the time
an unnamed older sibling decided to take a snip a few months ago…).
we had the zechus to be involved in the removal of orlah for two weeks in a row
– the first week was the double removal of the orlos of b’ris milah (Rabbi
Schabes was the Mohel), the second week was the symbolic orlah of our son’s
hereto uncut hair. (Well, almost completely uncut, if we don’t include the time
an unnamed older sibling decided to take a snip a few months ago…).
I replied to my rebbe
that all I needed now was the removal of the most difficult orlah of all, i.e.
the orlah upon my heart. And wouldn’t you know it – that one is mentioned in
this week’s parsha, Netzovim. (Devorim 30:6) “Hashem, your G-d, will
circumcise your heart and the heart of your children, so that you will love
Hashem, your G-d, with all of your heart and all of your soul, for the sake of
your life.”
that all I needed now was the removal of the most difficult orlah of all, i.e.
the orlah upon my heart. And wouldn’t you know it – that one is mentioned in
this week’s parsha, Netzovim. (Devorim 30:6) “Hashem, your G-d, will
circumcise your heart and the heart of your children, so that you will love
Hashem, your G-d, with all of your heart and all of your soul, for the sake of
your life.”
There is so much
greatness innate within every one of us, which so often remains dormant and not
accessed because of all the blockages that we allow to build up upon our hearts.
The days of Elul and Tishrei, are dedicated to trying to remove those
greatness innate within every one of us, which so often remains dormant and not
accessed because of all the blockages that we allow to build up upon our hearts.
The days of Elul and Tishrei, are dedicated to trying to remove those
Teshuva means not only
returning to Hashem, but also returning to ourselves. By refocusing ourselves
on what’s truly important, and the things we tend to neglect throughout the
year, we become true to ourselves.
returning to Hashem, but also returning to ourselves. By refocusing ourselves
on what’s truly important, and the things we tend to neglect throughout the
year, we become true to ourselves.
As we seek to remove
the blockages from upon our hearts, and recommit ourselves to the eternal
covenant, may we all merit the blessings bestowed upon our sons – “Just as you
have entered the covenant, so may you enter to Torah, chupah (the ultimate
marriage between Klal Yisroel and Hashem), and good deeds.”
the blockages from upon our hearts, and recommit ourselves to the eternal
covenant, may we all merit the blessings bestowed upon our sons – “Just as you
have entered the covenant, so may you enter to Torah, chupah (the ultimate
marriage between Klal Yisroel and Hashem), and good deeds.”
May it be a sweet new
year of spiritual growth and happiness, of blessing and goodness, of redemption
and consolation.
year of spiritual growth and happiness, of blessing and goodness, of redemption
and consolation.
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,
Kesiva Vachasima Tova,
Dani and Chani Staum
Dani and Chani Staum