Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Matos
Parshas Matos
Pirkei Avos – Perek 1 —
20 Tamuz 5774/July 18, 2014
20 Tamuz 5774/July 18, 2014
It was practically a tradition in our home. When my father
would see myself or my brothers the first time after we got a haircut, he would
gently waft his hand through the back of our freshly cut hair and half ‘sing’ a
brief high-pitched somewhat purposely off-key ditty (it’s hard to describe).
Even now my father will still perform the ritual when he sees me soon after I
get a haircut. My sons excitedly to go to Zayde for the ‘hair thing’ after they
get a haircut too.
would see myself or my brothers the first time after we got a haircut, he would
gently waft his hand through the back of our freshly cut hair and half ‘sing’ a
brief high-pitched somewhat purposely off-key ditty (it’s hard to describe).
Even now my father will still perform the ritual when he sees me soon after I
get a haircut. My sons excitedly to go to Zayde for the ‘hair thing’ after they
get a haircut too.
There’s something nice about getting a haircut. For a few
days the person looks put together and fresh. [For me there’s an added benefit
because I’ve been told that I look like I’ve lost weight after getting a
haircut. “The haircut diet: You don’t need to change your eating habits, or
make any lifestyle changes. Just go to your local barber.” I could make a
lot of money if I could market that.]
days the person looks put together and fresh. [For me there’s an added benefit
because I’ve been told that I look like I’ve lost weight after getting a
haircut. “The haircut diet: You don’t need to change your eating habits, or
make any lifestyle changes. Just go to your local barber.” I could make a
lot of money if I could market that.]
The same holds true in regards to a lawn. We have a neighbor
in Monsey who doesn’t cut his grass much. In fact, the grass in his yard can
grow up to a few inches before he finally mows it. But afterwards his whole
yard and the exterior of his house look so much nicer.
in Monsey who doesn’t cut his grass much. In fact, the grass in his yard can
grow up to a few inches before he finally mows it. But afterwards his whole
yard and the exterior of his house look so much nicer.
During the Three Weeks, as well as the period of Sefirah,
when all of the simcha halls and frum barbers are on vacation, the laws of
mourning include that we do not take haircuts or shave. Naturally that means
that men’s hair and beards grow noticeably long and somewhat unkempt.
when all of the simcha halls and frum barbers are on vacation, the laws of
mourning include that we do not take haircuts or shave. Naturally that means
that men’s hair and beards grow noticeably long and somewhat unkempt.
We also refrain from listening to music during this time.
Music has a palpable effect on people and their deepest emotions. Music can
evoke tears, smiles, and even a dance.
Music has a palpable effect on people and their deepest emotions. Music can
evoke tears, smiles, and even a dance.
In the haftorah for Shabbos Chazon, Yeshaya Hanavi’s chief
complaint against the nation is that their Judaism has lost feeling. They
haven’t necessarily stopped fulfilling any of their responsibilities, but they
do so in a dry unemotional manner. They performed mitzvos, brought korabos, and
davened when they had to, albeit without passion or feeling.
complaint against the nation is that their Judaism has lost feeling. They
haven’t necessarily stopped fulfilling any of their responsibilities, but they
do so in a dry unemotional manner. They performed mitzvos, brought korabos, and
davened when they had to, albeit without passion or feeling.
The laws of mourning help us maintain perspective. Part of
the reason why the destruction and exile occurred was because their Avodas
Hashem lacked passion and excitement. The nation resorted to serving G-d
out of rote, just to fulfill their responsibilities.
the reason why the destruction and exile occurred was because their Avodas
Hashem lacked passion and excitement. The nation resorted to serving G-d
out of rote, just to fulfill their responsibilities.
Our task is to be passionate and excited with the privilege
we have to be part of the Torah nation, to perform mitzvos with youthful vigor
and passion, and never appearing old and withered. Torah is compared to a song,
for it dictates, and elevates, all the emotions we feel.
we have to be part of the Torah nation, to perform mitzvos with youthful vigor
and passion, and never appearing old and withered. Torah is compared to a song,
for it dictates, and elevates, all the emotions we feel.
The restrictions of this period reflect our national and
personal deficiencies. Ultimately, when our divine service is performed in an
orderly, fresh, and passionate manner we will no longer be bound by these
restrictions. At that time we will celebrate our newfound vivaciousness and
passion with music, haircuts, and great celebration.
personal deficiencies. Ultimately, when our divine service is performed in an
orderly, fresh, and passionate manner we will no longer be bound by these
restrictions. At that time we will celebrate our newfound vivaciousness and
passion with music, haircuts, and great celebration.
Shabbat Shalom &
Good Shabbos,
Good Shabbos,
R’ Dani and Chani
720 Union Road • New Hempstead, NY 10977 • (845) 362-2425