Striving Higher


Erev Shabbos Kodesh
Parshas Kedoshim
Pirkei Avos perek 2
5 Iyar 5776 (20th
day of Omer)/ May 13, 2016
One of our Chol Hamoed outings this
Pesach was to a place called “High Exposure Rock Climbing.” The facility boasts
numerous forty-foot climbs to the roof of the building, each climb varying in
difficulty and level of challenge. [For those skeptics out there, I climbed one
of the walls. At the top there was a bell, and I made sure the entire room was
aware that I made it to the top.]   
It was fun and gratifying to watch each
of our children try the different climbs. [They have a lot of practice climbing
walls in our home.] I particularly enjoyed watching our five year old Chayala.
I was impressed that she was willing to put on the harness and even attempt to
climb at all. The first few times she didn’t get very far up at all, and only a
few feet off the ground her feet slid off the footholds and she was left
hanging from her harness, before descending back to the ground. But that hardly
stopped her from trying again, and again, and again. I loved watching her
determination and persistence which precluded her from focusing on her failure
to get very far the first few times. The truth is that Chayala never did make
it to the top, but no one can accuse her of not giving it her all and climbing
a respectful amount. 
On September 12, 1962, President JFK
gave a motivating speech at Rice University in Houston,
Texas, in which he discussed his resolve and
assurance that America
would be the first country to send someone to the moon. He added that it would
be done before the end of the decade. It was a bold statement considering that
at the time, the USA was far
behind the USSR
in the development and accomplishments of its space program. In the end,
President Kennedy’s assertion came true, though he didn’t live to witness it.
During that talk Kennedy noted that he
was well aware of the challenge of trying to fulfill his dream.  Yet he was unequivocal: “We choose to go to
the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but
because they are hard… We choose to go because that challenge is one that we
are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we
intend to win.”
Because we are so blessed with material
comfort and convenience, we need to remember that growth and greatness only
come with exertion, persistence, and effort. Discomfort and often pain are par
for the course.
Rock climbing serves as a great analogy
for all worthy accomplishments of life. All of one’s bones may ache and be
crying out for relief, but if he is fueled by motivation and ambition he will obstinately
push onward, pulling himself up with every surge. Part of the euphoric feeling
of reaching the top includes the knowledge that one has pushed himself beyond
your comfort one. Whenever we extend our limitations we feel elated and
We also must remember that the path to
growth includes the knowledge that somewhere along the way you may lose your
footing and slip. But as long as your harness remains firm and you’re able to
pull yourself back onto your path you’ll eventually reach the top.
Just remember that everyone’s “top” is
Shabbat Shalom & Good Shabbos,

            R’ Dani and Chani Staum        

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